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[综合] [访谈] 被某些自媒体刻意歪曲的Games Radar访谈暴雪游戏总监Ion Hazzikosta

程狄矢 来自手机 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-11-22 12:10:00 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

[size=150%]After 4 World of Warcraft events launched with bad loot this year alone, Blizzard admits that it can "start to seem like a pattern"


While for many, World of Warcraft is in a good place right now, one aspect of the game that has come in for criticism from players is event rewards, which recently, for the fourth time this year, have had to be made easier to obtain.


Across 2024's Plunderstorm, Mists of Pandaria: Remix, a pre-The War Within event and now the 20th-anniversary event, WoW has repeatedly had issues with the rate at which players can receive rewards, with hefty grinds often being required. In response, Blizzard has had to make things easier for players for each event, with game director Ion Hazzikostas noting in an interview with GamesRadar+ that it may "start to seem like a pattern".

2024年推出的“霸业风暴”(Plunderstorm)、“”熊猫人之谜幻彩新生“”(Mists of Pandaria: Remix)、“地心之战前夕:光耀回响”预热活动以及现在的20周年纪念活动中,玩家获得奖励的速度屡次出现问题,经常需要进行繁重的刷取。对此,暴雪不得不每次都通过调整来加快获取过程。游戏总监Ion Hazzikostas在接受 GamesRadar+ 采访时表示,这种情况“可能开始让人觉得像是一种模式了”。

For Hazzikostas, it's important to find a balance between the scale and replayability of content and the ease of obtaining rewards. "When we look at something like the 20th anniversary, there's quite a lot to do there, and there's a lot that's fresh and novel that the players will enjoy over the course of the 11.05 update." he begins. "At the same time, we want to ensure people aren't running out of reasons to do content that they would otherwise want to do too soon."


Hazzikostas concedes that the team had miscalculated with some of these updates. "Even if they really enjoyed the 20th-anniversary content, there was this sense of 'I already have been spending a bunch of time doing dungeons and delves and levelling these other alts. This feels like too much to ask on top of that,'" before noting, "That's the part we hadn't grasped until we heard the feedback loud and clear when live."

暴雪娱乐的游戏总监Ion Hazzikostas承认,团队在某些更新中确实存在误判。他指出,尽管玩家非常喜欢20周年纪念活动的内容,但他们也感到:“我已经花了大量时间在地下城、探险以及练其他小号上。再加上这些任务,实在是有点过多了。”他进一步表示:“直到我们在活动上线后清晰地听到玩家的反馈,才意识到这一点。”

He is keen to dispel the idea that they plan to start out stingy before inevitably buffing the rewards later, instead explaining why the team tends to err on the conservative side of things. "We can always buff the rewards." he begins. "We're never going to nerf the rewards, really, right? If things go out too fast and generous, we'll never pull that back. And so, while playing a bit of that guessing game of trying to pick the right values, we may tend to err on the conservative side.

Ion Hazzikostas强调,团队并非有意在初期吝啬奖励,然后再进行提升。他解释了团队倾向于保守处理的原因:“我们总是可以提升奖励,对吧?但我们绝不会削弱奖励。如果一开始就过于慷慨,我们无法再收回。因此,在尝试设定合适的奖励值时,我们可能会倾向于保守一些。”

"Hopefully, the players understand we'll be fast and responsive if it feels like we've missed the mark", remarks Hazzikostas. "We hear the feedback from the community loud and clear."


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