


Jiw's WotLK Warlock Rotation

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 17:29:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Warlock All-in-one Rotation HUD for WotLK Classic, featuring self detecting talent spec. (Works level 70~80)
What does this brings that others HUDs dont?
- Minimize visual effects so you dont get confused, this was built to have the least amount of icons being displayed;
- High importance cooldowns are highlited;
- Help you improve your rotation by suggesting the next cast;

- the current WeakAuras version has a bug when changing spec by Dual Specialization, so remember to always do /reload after that.
- if this WA is too big or too small, you can adjust the size via GROUP > GROUP SCALE.

Custom Options

don't forget to select the WA GROUP to have access to all the features

All Auras
• [Jiw_Curse_of_Agony] - Activates when you don't have Curse of Agony on target. Requires Everlasting Affliction talent.
• [Jiw_Corruption] - Activates when you don't have Corruption on tagret. Requires Empowered Corruption talent.
• [Jiw_Haunt] - Activates when you don't have Haunt on target. Requires Haunt talent.
• [Jiw_Unstable_Affliction] - Activates when you don't have Unstale Affliction on target. Requires Unstale Affliction talent.
• [Jiw_Immolate] - Activates when you don't have Immolate on target. Requires Molten Core or Improved Immolate talent.
• [Jiw_Corruption_Snapshot] - Activates when you have Tricks of the Trade, Shadow Mastery and Wild Magic Potion buffs at the same times. Requires Everlasting Affliction talent.
• [Jiw_Conflagrate] - Activate to monitor your Conflagrate behavior. Requires Conflagrate talent.
• [Jiw_Shadow_Embrace] - Activates when the target has Shadow Embrace debuff. Requires Shadow Embrace debuff.
• [Jiw_Chaos_Bolt] - Activates when your Chaos Bolt is available. Requires Chaos Bolt talent.
• [Jiw_Demonic_Empowerment] - Activates when your Demonic Empowerment is available. Requires Demonic Empowerment talent.
• [Jiw_Drain_Soul] - Activates when target is 25% HP or below. Requires Death's Embrace talent.
• [Jiw_Any_Curse] - Activates when you have no any Curse on target.
• [Jiw_Curse_of_Doom] - Activate to monitor your Curse of Doom on target. Does not activate while in Affliction Build.
• [Jiw_Molten_Core] - Activates when you have Molten Core buff, Requires Molten Core talent.
• [Jiw_Backdraft] - Activates when you have Backdraft buff. Requires Backdraft talent.
• [Jiw_Immolation] - Activates when you have Immolation buff, Requires Metamorphosis talent.
• [Jiw_Metamorphosis] - Activates when you have Metamorphosis buff. Requires Metamorphosis talent.
• [Jiw_Decimation] - Activates when you have Decimation buff. Requires Decimation talent.
• [Jiw_Shadow_Ward] - Activates when you have Shadow Ward buff.
• [Jiw_Eradication] - Activates when you have Eradication buff. Requires Eradication talent.
• [Jiw_4pT7] - Activates when you have Spirits of the Damned buff.
• [Jiw_Demonic_Pact] - Activates when you have Demonic Pact buff. Requires Demonic Pact talent.
• [Jiw_Shadowburn] - Activates when your Shadowburn is on CD. Requires Shadowburn talent.
• [Jiw_Summon_Inferno] - Activate to monitor your Summon Inferno pet CD.
• [Jiw_Shadowfury] - Activates when your Shadowfury is on CD. Requires Shadowfury talent.
• [Jiw_Death_Coil] - Activates when your Death Coil is on CD.
• [Jiw_Shadowflame] - Activates when your Shadowflame is on CD.
• [Jiw_Spell_Lock] - Activates when your Spell Lock is on CD.
• [Jiw_Shadow_Trance] - Activates when you have Shadow Trance buff.
• [Jiw_2pT7] - Activates when you have Demonic Soul buff.
• [Jiw_Backlash] - Activates when you have Backlash buff.
• [Jiw_Soulshatter] - Activates when you are above 85% threat.
• [Jiw_Demon_Armor] - Activates when you are in PvP instance.
• [Jiw_Fel_Armor] - Activates when you are not in the resting zone. Do not load in PvP Instance.
• [Jiw_Teleport] - Activates when your Demonic Circle: Teleport is on CD.
• [Jiw_Soul_Link] - Activates when you have Pet active, and have no Soul Link buff.
• [Jiw_No_Pet] - Activates when you have no Pet active. Does not activate while in resting zone.
• [Jiw_Glyph_of_Life_Tap] - Activates when you have no Glyph of Life Tap buff. Requires Glyph of Life Tap equipped.
• [Jiw_Banish] - Activates when have your Banish on a nearby enemy. Plays a Glass sound when 4sec remaining.
• [Jiw_Fear] - Activates when have your Fear on a nearby enemy. Plays a Glass sound when 4sec remaining.
• [Jiw_Subjugate_Demon] - Activates when you have Subjugate Demon active. Plays a Error Beep sound when 30sec remaining.
• [Jiw_Enchant_Miss] - Activates when you have no temporary Enchant in your Weapon. Does not activate while in resting zone.
• [Jiw_Soulstone] Always active so you know if UP or on CD, and the icon will be desaturated if you don't have any SS in your inventory. Only loads while in PvE Instance.
• [Jiw_Ritual_of_Souls] - Activates when your Ritual of Souls is on CD. Does not activate in combat.
• [Jiw_Ritual_of_Summoning] - Activates when your Ritual of Summoning is on CD. Does not activate in combat.
• [Jiw_Soul_Shard] - Activates when you have 10 Soul Shards or less in your inventory. Does not activate in combat.

make a comment or send me your feedback about bugs, rotation and suggestions.
Discord: Jiw#4722

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