


Collapsing Stars - CD Assignments [NOT TESTED]

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 17:24:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Group to show the health of each of the Collapsing Star mobs during Algalon encounter.
Offers possibility to assign cooldowns for each of the Collapsing Star explosions (up to 10 explosions).

  • To assign the cooldowns open the Custom Options from the group menu of "Algalon - CDs" and fill in the required fields.

    • Write the player's name in the left column and choose the associated cooldown from the right column in the same row.
    • It's possible to assign at most two cooldowns for the same star explosion.
    • If the person assigned for the current explosion is the player himself, then the cooldown icon will glow!

  • WeakAura sorts the stars' health in descending order. Each bar representing a star also denotes the raid target icon on the right side of the bar


-- Dev Note --
As I code on pservers, I have no means of testing the stuff on retail, so I'd love some input! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Feel free to 'fork' the WA, test and edit, and publish it yourself.
The idea is to have a sorted global table group_env.star = { {hp1,mark1}, ... {hpN,markN} }, 0 <= N <= 4 which records the state of the stars' HP. Then each of the CollapsingStar N WeakAuras just looks at the corresponding group_env.star[N] and creates a bar from it.

Table Generator has a corresponding aura_env.starByGUID table which has a {hp,marker} entry with the star's GUID as the key.

  • T1 creates the tables and catches the start of the Phase 2 of the encounter.
  • T2 catches the stars' initial spawn event.
  • T3 catches every CLEU damaging event and updates the corresponding aura_env.starByGUID table. If it catches a new GUID then it removes the index key entry created by T2 or T5 (taking the HP value from it), and makes a proper GUID key entry.
  • T4 executes every 0.5s

    • Updates the HP of all entries in aura_env.starByGUID by 0.5% of max HP (decay rate)
    • Scans all nameplateN units and updates the aura_env.starByGUID this way as well. If there's a new GUID found then it removes the index key entry created by T2 or T5, and makes a proper GUID key entry.
    • Copies the sorted value {hp,marker} list into group_env.star table

  • T5 executes every 60s after T2 executed, marks the spawn of the new stars. As after each spawn there must be 4 stars, it fills the aura_env.starByGUID table with index keys and values {maxHP, nil} so that there are 4 total entries in the table.

Collapsing Star - CD doesn't interact with group_env table. T1 captures the stars' spawn boss yell indicator and then every CLEU Black Hole Explosion event to increment the aura_env.deadStars. It tries to read the corresponding config entry. If the nameN of the config is the player then aura_env.isPlayer = 1, which is then used in conditions to apply the glow. If there's no config the aura is hidden until next explosion event.
Same idea for CD 2 WeakAura, except it looks at the cdN_1 of the aura_env.config.

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