WOTLK enhancement/resto shaman hud. Includes the following:
A. Enhance rotation tracker split into 3 rows, ordered left to right:
1. core rotation: major cds, stormstrike, maelstrom
2. refresh auras: flame shock, magma totem, lightning shield
3. fillers: earth shock, fire nova, lava lash
- basic swing timer (green MH, red OH)
- LB weave icon forked from Ralgathor https://wago.io/joURtkngg (cast lb or cl when MH/OH ticks are on the left of the LB icon)
B. Resto shaman spell tracker:
Earth shield target, riptide, tidal waves buff, personal shield, tidal fury, NS, mana tide+announce
C. General shaman info: totem trackers, current weapon imbues, heroism+announce, reincarnation, grounding announce, wind shear |