Displays several useful alerts for shamans as a group of text auras.
Announces to group:
- Purge: auras dispelled by your Purge
- Grounding Totem: spells redirected to your Grounding Totem
Notifies you:
- Tremor Totem: any party member has a fear/charm/sleep
- Lightning Overload: total damage from procs (credit to Kazie and Translit for much of the trigger: )
- Windfury Weapon: total damage from procs (including the icon of which MH/OH weapon the proc came from)
- Cleansing: any party member has a Poison or Disease
These debuffs are ignored, so that you don't cleanse them by mistake:
- Princess Huhuran's Wyvern Sting
- Son of Hakkar's Poisonous Blood
- Grobbulus' Mutating Injection
- Searing Totem: warns you when it is destroyed or expires while you are out of combat in a battleground
This aura should work in most languages; it uses spellIDs and GlobalStrings for localization wherever possible.
This aura does a lot; if you don't need an individual part, just go to the Load tab and set it to Never. |