Shows the LFG list of group members when hovering over the group. Blizzard hides the member list when the group reaches past 10 members, this WeakAura aims to restore that list.
You can adjust the sorting method under Custom Options tab. (Default: Role then Class)
Makes it easier to check what classes are in a LFG grp, for example VoA. Or to check how many melee or casters are in a raid.
- The extra vertical spacing at the bottom of the tooltip is caused by the role icon texture size being too large, but it looks about right at this size. There's no extra \n (newline) at the bottom of the text.
- Lvl and role icon are on left side because I can't figure out how to align text both left side and right side similar to:
- After coding this, I found out this exists: (Use whichever you prefer!)
Key Words: Looking For Group LookingForGroup LFG |