Show clickable menu for 10 seconds with a macro
You must be out of combat to cast teleport/portals so the menu will not show when in combat.
This will show you portals/teleports even if you have not learned them yet. So clicking them will do nothing!
`/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents(" ORTAL_MACRO");`
Regarding "Warnings". WA will show "Secure frame" warning which is normal as this is not an intended way to use WeakAuras. However since this WA is only used out of combat, so there shouldn't be an issue. More info at
IDs taken from classic.wowhead
| Name | spell ID |
| Teleport Darnassus | 3565 |
| Teleport Exodar | 32271 |
| Teleport Ironforge | 3562 |
| Teleport Orgrimmar | 3567 |
| Teleport Shattrath Alliance | 33690 |
| Teleport Shattrath Horde | 35715 |
| Teleport Silvermoon | 32272 |
| Teleport Stonard | 49358 |
| Teleport Stormwind | 3561 |
| Teleport Theramore | 49359 |
| Teleport Thunder Bluff | 3566 |
| Teleport Undercity | 3563 |
| Teleport Dalaran | 53140 |
| Portal Darnassus | 11419 |
| Portal Exodar | 32266 |
| Portal Ironforge | 11416 |
| Portal Orgrimmar | 11417 |
| Portal Shattrath Alliance | 33691 |
| Portal Shattrath Horde | 35717 |
| Portal Silvermoon | 32267 |
| Portal Stonard | 49361 |
| Portal Stormwind | 10059 |
| Portal Theramore | 49360 |
| Portal Thunder Bluff | 11420 |
| Portal Undercity | 11418 |
| Portal Dalaran | 53142 |
Update as of 20/1/2023
You can find me on MirageRaceway-EU (A) /who Sogl |