


Envv - HC+ Pack for Titan Rune Dungeons

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 17:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Envv's HC+ Pack

- Shows descriptions for all Empowered Runes when interacting with the Mysterious Device before starting a Titan Rune Dungeon.
- Warnings for every Empowered Rune
- Special warning for Blood of the Loa for tanks
- Special warning for You're Infected! for priests

Nexus, Oculus and Violet Hold all have a passive rune that buffs the mobs indirectly and has a chance to proc every 30 seconds, causing Mirror Images to spawn.

Halls of Lightning and Halls of Stone both have a passive rune that applies a stacking buff to players when they fight closer to the mobs.

Thanks to Wowhead for providing the article with the overview of the Titan Rune Dungeons:https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/guides/dungeons/titan-rune-dungeon-overview

hc+ heroic+ h+ titan rune dungeon empowered rune debuff plus glaciate blood of the loa youre infected mirror images saronite pulsing arcane utgarde pinnacle utgarde keep ahn kahet old kingdom azjol nerub nexus oculus culling of stratholme gundrak drak theron keep halls of stone halls of lightning wotlk wrath of the lich king defense protocol alpha mysterious device

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