


Who is targeted? Counter for Group and Arena Play

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 16:59:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Counts the number of hostile enemies a player of your group is targeted by and displays the value at the corresponding unitframe.

Nameplates must be enabled for this aura to work outside of arena.

>>[NEW] Added in 1.0.25<<
Your targets target and your focuses target can now be accessed as variables in the conditions tab. This allows you to highlight them differently compared to the targets of nameplates (e.g. coloring them differently). May be helpful in certain scenarios, e.g. when a boss has adds and you want to see who is targeted by the boss (set up to be your focus) and who is by the adds. A possible setup process can be found here:
https://i.imgur.com/KOcJzTo.jpg (This example will color the box of the group member who is targeted by your target yellow instead of the default red).

If you expierence performance issues please leave a comment and roll back to version 1.0.22 [ https://wago.io/9n7Ec_1rI/1.0.22 ] in the meantime.

>>TLDR Section<<
The weakaura consists of 4 Sub-Weakauras - 2 for OpenWorld/Raids/BGs (Throttled and EventBased) and 2 for Arena (Throttled and EventBased).

Throttled = Periodic Scan (Needs more performance but is very reliable) -- [Enabled by default & MY RECOMMENDATION]
EventBased = Aura only triggers on certain event (Needs less performance but is also less reliable) -- [Disabled by default]

Always be careful to only have 1 aura (Throttled or EventBased) active for OpenWorld / Raids / BGs and 1 active for Arena at a time. DEACTIVATE THE OTHER UNDER "LOAD" --> "NEVER" - Otherwise multiple "target counter" will be attached your raid frame.

If you recognise serious performance drops I suggest to either increase the update intervall of the Throttled Sub-Weakaura (under custom options) or try if the "Event based" counterpart solves the issues.

In the Open World/Raids/BGs only your target and focus can be analysed range independently and without "line of sight" restrictions. All other enemies are analysed based of their nameplates. For those enemies the aura will only be able to gather target information, if you can "see" the nameplate, i.e. the enemy is in your field of view and closer than 40 yards. In Arena these limitations do not exist.

By default Pets and Totems (also from NPCs) are excluded from analysis - To include them navigate to the custom options tab of the specific Sub-Weakaura (OpenWorld Throttled or EventBased; Arena Throttled or EventBased) and check the corresponding boxes.

Further explanatations for Open World/Raids/BGs auras:
1) "Throttled" [Disabled by default] - The weakaura checks periodically by whom a party member is targeted. The update rate (default: 250ms) can be changed in the "Custom Options" tab of the "OpenWorld/Raids/BGs Throttled" subaura. Other custom options include Hostile Pet and Totem analysis, to ignore Raid Tanks/Assists and also analyse the target of your target and focus target range independently.

2) "EventBased" [Disabled by default] - This aura only checks the surrounding enemies based of certain events, e.g. Nameplates are removed/added, enemies change their target, or the aggro table of raidmembers is changing. This method is more efficient and faster than a "throttled" approach. However, the event tied to the target change of an enemy only updates 2-3 times a second. That's why in large scale fights the aura can shortly bug, e.g. when a lot of enemies change their target at once and no further event is triggered after that. However, the aura will fix itself when the  next event is fired. There is no need set a custom update rate. Other custom options are as described in 1)
TLDR: This method is more efficient and faster, but not as reliable as "Throttled". Only activate it if you have serious performance issues with the "Throttled" version.

Further explanations for Arena auras:
3) "Throttled" [Enabled by default] - Works just as 1) but based of arena frames rather than nameplates and thus accross the entire arena map (range independent). The update rate (default: 100ms) can be changed in the "Custom Options" tab of the "Arena Throttled" subaura. Pet and Totem tracking can be enabled in the custom options. Totem tracking only works within nameplate range (API limitation).

4) "EventBased" [Disabled by default] - Works just as 3) but based of certain events.

Again: To enable / disable certain subauras press on the small "+" of the weakaura, select the individual subaura and set the active state under "load".

Custom Options:
A) Throttled versions (Arena & Open World) have an update rate slider that determines how often the targets of enemies are checked. Increase the interval if you have performance issues and decrease it if you feel targets are not updated fast enough.

B) All auras have a "Hostile Settings" section where you can include the tracking of pets & totems.

C) Open World/Raid/BGs auras have a "Group/Raid Settings" section where you can disable the tracking for Tanks & Main assists, if the raid leader has added raid member to those specific roles. May be useful for (ret) paladins that only want to see people who needs a BOP. Target & Focus tracking assists the target analysis based of nameplates. Target & Focus tracking is also not bound to the 40 yards or "line of sights" limits of nameplates.

In the conditions tab under Trigger 1 the "Number of Targeting Enemies" can be accessed and used for changing the appearance of the WA depending on the Number of Enemies a raid member is targeted by. I added an example that increases the width of the "box" if a player is targeted by more than 9 player. But it can also be used to tie color or opacity changes to that number.

Since 1.0.25 : "Highlight Targets Target Differently" and "Highlight Focus Target Differently" were added and can also be accessed under "Trigger 1". These 2 variables can be used to change the appearence of the target of your target/focus (if it's part of your group). A use-case example can be found above in the section ">> [New] Added in 1.0.25 <<"

Credits to asakawa [ https://wago.io/p/asakawa ] and the weakaura discord team for the help!

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