V1.0.2 - Auto-marker removed for now. Please use another WA for auto-marking if desired.
To confirm the WA is set to first or subsequent pulls, run this script in a chat window:
/run print("A first pull has occuured - " .. tostring(_G.WA_AlgalonSecondPull))
If the result is 'nil' then the WA is set to FIRST pull (26sec combat delay).
Comprehensive Algalon - Collapsing Star - kill tracker / assistant.
Configured specifically to kill times for <Endless Fury>
Aura contains:
- Countdown bars for the next star to kill
- Countdown until start of combat / end of RP (bars do not start counting down until encounter begins)
- Combat timer (including RP time)
Green bars will count down and hit zero when you are **DUE** to kill the next star.
Description of image:
- Fojji's Star health bar and respawn bars shown on the right in blue, showing star HP
- Above, the green bar is this weak aura - showing the planned time for when your star *should* be killed
All you need to do is DPS one star at a time, and STOP when the HP = time remaining on green bar. E.g., when this weak aura says 'Kill Star 6 in 20 seconds' you want to make sure the designated star to kill is at 20% hp. DPS the star carefully until it's HP matches the remaining time.
Best used in conjunction with a WA pack that tracks the HP of individual stars (such as Fojji's). Default position of this aura should be above the default position for Fojji's bars (see image).
Star times, and delays for bars, can be configured in Custom Options tab; 'Lookahead' is the total time the bar will be visible in seconds. These are preset for EF strat times for both 10 and 25man Algalon. |