


Combo Point Estimation CP

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 16:54:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A piece of my huge UI pack that includes many, smaller weakauras. The link to the huge pack is above this text box with a blue line, or at this link: https://wago.io/dAUyC9Y1F

This weakaura presents as progress bars (normalized to 31s) for your finishing moves, and provides a small number on the right hand side which indicates how many CP you should have access to before the finisher falls off. Do note this not a recommendation of how many CP to spend, and also note that just because you have access to say 3 CP, you do not need to spend 3 CP - you can likely pool some energy.

This weakaura takes your current energy and haste into consideration and presents an average result - you can get particularly lucky or unlucky procwise and get more or fewer CP. I recommend practicing on a target dummy to get used to the flow.

Things it does take into account:
-Whether and how for long Adrenaline Rush is active
-Whether you'll spend energy to cast Tricks (can turn this off in the Custom Options if you aren't casting Tricks)
-T7 Set bonuses, if enabled or disabled in the Custom Options

Things it does not take into account:
-Globals before your finisher falls
-Extra attacks from Killing Spree
-Maybe some other niche effects I have not considered

This group also includes smart bar swapping for Mutilate specced rogues - you'll always have 3 relevant bars, no matter your spec. Supports Rupture Mutilate specs as well.

The estimation logic is simply 3 different standalone auras attached to each of Expose, Slice, and Rupture. If you don't like the progress bars and want to yoink the estimation only, just grab that aura and attach the numbers wherever on your ui you'd like them.

The combo point predictor was first drafted by Robzx, found here https://wago.io/1Zx_4qZaN I have since tweaked the performance, look, supported some set bonuses, and enabled Tricks support.

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