A Tracker based on the WeakAura "Kill Tracker" by the User kleo.
This WeakAura tracks all Ogre Kills in Dire Maul North and shows a percentage for all their important drops (Librams and Pristine Black Diamonds).
It scans your Inventory for all Items needed for the Libram Quests, as well. Whenever an Item for these Quests drops it will be tracked and displayed in an extra Line.
When resetting the Tracker, the Content will be printed into the ChatBox so you can save these values in an Excel Sheet (So you can see how unlucky you got with the Libram Drops overall).
If you want to track more Enemies, you can add their Names (or Parts of their names) in the Custom Options of the Aura. The Ignore Terms will be weighted over the Track Terms, so a "Gordok Mastiff" will not be tracked when tracking "Gordok" and ignoring "Mastiff".
If these Enemies have a Dropchance for the Librams and Diamonds you can add their dropchances to the getValues-function in ITTotal and ITList (at the On Init Code), otherwise their dropchances will be displayed as -1 for all and won't be included in the Total Calculation
This WA might pop up at some Locations throughout Kalimdor, since I wanted it to show in the Main "Hub" of DM, so I can reset the Tracker whenever I reset DM:N and the Hub has the same Map ID as basic Kalimdor
When you relog or reload your Interface, all Data will be lost