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[综合讨论] [分享][搬运][暴雪蓝贴]探索赛季——北美7月15日在线修正

简0 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-7-16 09:37:18 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


7月15日, 2024


  • 在伯瓦尔,普瑞斯托,和温德索尔元帅同时都活着的时候在暴风城要塞中涉及温德索尔元帅或者暴风城要塞的事件现在会更加稳定的完成了。
  • 地狱咆哮的幻影现在会在尝试失败后刷新了。
  • 修复了一些戒指铭文现在所有可以受益于他们的职业都可以学习了:

    • 奥术专精:现在可由德鲁伊和猎人学习(之前只有法师法师)。
    • 防御:现在可以通过盗贼、术士、战士、圣骑士和萨满学习(之前只有德鲁伊)。
    • 冰霜:现在猎人可以学习(之前只有法师)。

  • 妖术指环的正确版本物品现在正确的从通灵学院的的死亡骑士达克雷尔掉落。
  • 灰谷任务“清扫森林”和“击退入侵者”已升级至 60 级。
  • 修复了奥特兰克山谷战场内生物的生命值和伤害问题,使其与外世界和副本生物一致。
  • 修复了 黑石塔上层 中阻止 杰德 生成的错误。
  • 增加了恶魔陨落峡谷中敌人给未 60 级玩家的经验值。
  • 现在诺莫瑞根的传送器不会再把你送到艾萨拉了,芜湖


  • 黑石山大爆发的怪物刷新率提高了。
  • 任务“哦,闪亮!”所需的火焰晶簇群任务物品也被添加到灼热峡谷的其他黑铁生物中。这不会反映在任务文本中。
  • 一些黑石山大爆发任务所需的任务生物数量已经减少。


  • 强化树皮不再错误地需要树形态了。
  • 强化横扫与血腥狂乱相结合,将不再导致德鲁伊在横扫(猫)暴击主要目标以外的目标时失去当前目标的练级点了。

  • 猎人现在可以铭文自然符文专精和火焰符文专精。
  • 翼龙打击将不再对免疫其流血效果的目标返回“免疫”信息。它现在会造成直接伤害,但不会施加流血。

  • 修复了神圣土地导致多个圣骑士使用它产生过多治疗事件的问题。
  • 神圣土地现在在佩戴具有额外治疗效果的物品时会正确计算其治疗效果。
  • 圣光出鞘的计算现在正确地包括了来自 辩护 的攻击力倍数。

  • 虚空领域将不会再隔着地板拉到怪了。

  • 强化幽灵狼符文现在作用于滚雷符文发现。
  • 熔岩猛击现在可以正确地从火舌武器等级 6 的延长持续时间中获得额外伤害。

  • Sebastian Jurgens (塞巴斯蒂安·尤尔根斯 疯狂的医生)现在只会在玩家上交“Bookin' it Back”后消失 30 秒。
  • 在玩家重新接受任务后“Guided Buoyancy Accelerant”携带的任务物品现在将推送给完成“Poacher’s Den”的失物招领处玩家。
  • “Infinite Midnight”现在应该总是可以在 Khonsu 完成。


  • 暗影烈焰施加的暗影易伤层数增加为30层(原为10层)。
  • 探险家小鬼现在应该更容易前往军团监狱世界尼斯卡拉。

[collapse]July 15, 2024

Season of Discovery

Activities involving Reginald Windsor event in Stormwind Keep should now complete more reliably when Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, Lady Katrana Prestor, and Reginald Windsor are all alive.
Hellscream’s Phantom should now respawn after an unsuccessful attempt.
Fixed some ring engravings so that all the benefitting classes can learn them:
Arcane Specialization: Now learnable by Druid and Hunter (was only Mage).
Defense: Now learnable by Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Paladin, and Shaman (was only Druid).
Frost: Now learnable by Hunter (was only Mage).
The correct version of Necromantic Band now drops from the Death Knight Darkreaver in Scholomance.
The Ashenvale quests “Clear the Forest!” and “Repelling Invaders” have been scaled to level 60.
Fixed the health and damage of creatures inside Alterac Valley Battleground so that they align with outdoor world and dungeon creatures.
Fixed a bug in UBRS preventing Jed Runewatcher from spawning.
Increased the experience awarded by enemies in Demon Fall Canyon to brave adventurers who enter before reaching level 60.
The teleporter in Gnomeregan will no longer send you to Azshara. Oops.
Blackrock Eruption
The spawn rates of creatures for Blackrock Eruptions have been increased.
The Flamestone Cluster quest item required for the quest “Oh, Shiny!” has been added to other dark iron creatures in Searing Gorge as well. This is not reflected in the quest text.
The number of quest creatures required for some Blackrock Eruption quests has been reduced.
Improved Barkskin no longer erroneously requires Tree Form.
Improved Swipe combined with Blood Frenzy will no longer cause Druids to lose their combo points on their current target when Swipe (Cat) crits against a target other than their primary target.
Hunters can now engrave both the Rune of Nature Specialization and the Rune of Fire Specialization.
Wyvern Strike will no longer return an ‘immune’ message against targets that are immune to its Bleed effect. It will now deal its direct damage, but not apply the Bleed.
Fixed an issue with Hallowed Ground that caused multiple Paladins using it to generate too many healing events.
Hallowed Ground will now calculate its healing correctly when wearing items with bonus healing effects.
Calculations for Sheath of Light now properly include the Attack Power multiplier from Vindication.
Void Zone will no longer pull enemies through the floor.
Greater Ghost Wolf rune now works with Rolling Thunder rune discovery.
Lava Lash will now correctly gain bonus damage from the extended duration of Flametongue Weapon Rank 6.
Sebastian Jurgens will now despawn for only 30 seconds after a player turns in “Bookin’ it Back”.
The quest item carried for “Bookin’ it Back” will now be pushed to players after they re-accept the quest “Guided Buoyancy Accelerant” will now be offered to players on Lost and Found who have completed “Poacher’s Den”.
“Infinite Midnight” should now always be completable at Khonsu.
The number of charges on Shadowflame’s application of Shadow Vulnerability has been increased to 30 total charges (was 10).
Explorer Imps should now have an easier time traveling to the Legion prison-world Niskara.[/collapse]

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茉莉707 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-7-16 09:37:28
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Gordon520 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-7-16 09:59:41
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