


Liquid - Amirdrassil

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-25 11:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Important notes
• Required: LiquidAnchors & LiquidWeakAuras. Delete any old version of LiquidWeakAuras you may have.
• Most "list" and "miscellaneous" type auras are set to not load. If you wish to see these, go into their load tab and uncheck "never".
• LiquidMedia and Pescorus addons are not required for this pack to work, and won't be made public. They merely add some sound files, and the auras will fall back to game TTS if these are unavailable.

Macro used on Tindral and Fyrakk
/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("LIQUID_PRIVATE_AURA_MACRO", true)

MRT note layouts/custom options/etc.

Gnarlroot: Controlled Burn
Assigns affected players to one of eight positions. The first set of each phase is always north/east, the second is south/west. Ranged are prioritised to the far positions, melee to the close ones.

Igira: Umbral Destruction
Splits the raid in two, and assigns one half to soak each Umbral Destruction. If no MRT note is provided, melee are prioritised to the first soak and ranged are prioritised to the second soak. During the heal absorb phase, the assignment is done based on who is affected by the absorb.

If an optional MRT note is provided, the first line of names is assigned to the first soak. The second line of names is assigned to the second soak. During the heal absorb phase, the assignments are still done based on who is affected.
|cffc41e3aScott |r|cffa330c9Avade|r |cffa330c9Shak|r |cffff7c0aDrenaco|r |cff33937fSang|r |cff33937fGoop|r |cffaad372Eric|r |cffaad372Malarkus|r |cff3fc7ebImfiredup|r |cfffff468Ksp|r
|cfff48cbaYipz |r|cfffff468Daizr|r |cff0070ddImpec|r |cff0070ddLip|r |cff8788eeThd|r |cffc69b6dRiku|r |cff00ff98Xesevi|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r |cffffffffCere|r |cffffffffNick|r

Council of Dreams: Barreling Charge
Like Umbral Destruction above, this aura simply splits the raid in half and alternates who soaks the charges. By default melee soak odd charges, ranged soak even charges. The optional MRT note for assigning them is identical to Umbral Destruction.

Nymue: intermission assignments
Reminds players where to go in intermission, be it left, right, or mythic add.

left |cffc41e3aScott|r |cff00ff98Xesevi|r |cffa330c9Avade|r |cff0070ddImpec |r|cffc69b6dRiku|r |cff3fc7ebKsp|r |cff33937fSang|r
right |cfff48cbaYipz|r |cffffffffCere |r|cffa330c9Shak|r |cfffff468Imexile|r |cffff7c0aSmacked|r |cffaad372Malarkus|r |cff33937fGoop|r |cffffffffNick|r
back |cff3fc7ebImfiredup|r |cffaad372Eric |r|cffaad372Kingfly|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r |cff8788eeThd|r

left |cffc41e3aScott|r |cff00ff98Xesevi|r |cff8788eeThd|r |cff3fc7ebKsp|r |cffaad372Eric |r|cffaad372Malarkus|r |cff33937fSang|r |cff3fc7ebImfiredup|r
right |cfff48cbaYipz|r |cffffffffCere |cffff7c0aSmacked|r |cfffff468Imexile|r |cffaad372Kingfly|r |cff33937fGoop|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r
back |cffa330c9Avade|r |cffa330c9Shak|r |cff0070ddImpec|r |cffffffffNick|r |cffc69b6dRiku|r

left |cffc41e3aScott|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r |cffa330c9Avade|r |cff0070ddImpec |r|cff8788eeThd|r |cffaad372Eric|r |cff33937fSang|r
right |cfff48cbaYipz|r |cffffffffCere|r |cffa330c9Shak|r |cffaad372Kingfly |r|cff3fc7ebImfiredup|r |cffc69b6dRiku|r |cff33937fGoop|r |cffffffffNick|r
back |cff3fc7ebKsp|r |cffff7c0aSmacked|r |cffaad372Malarkus|r |cff00ff98Xesevi|r |cfffff468Imexile|r

Smolderon: Seeking Inferno
Automatically detects who is fixated by Seeking Inferno, and shows them in a sorted list. The soak priority is healers > melee > ranged.

Tindral Sageswift: feather assignments
Shows a reminder to pick up a feather. Each line of names is a feather set, and the assignments loop around. If more than four names are listed, the fifth onwards serve as backups when players are dead or affected by Fiery Growth.

|cfffff468Jpc|r |cfffff468Imexile|r |cff0070ddImpec|r |cff33937fSang|r |cff33937fGoop|r
|cffa330c9Shak|r |cffc69b6dRiku|r |cffff7c0aSmacked|r |cffa330c9Avade|r

Tindral Sageswift: Mass Entanglement freedom assignments
Assigns freedoms to sets of Fiery Growth that overlap with Mass Entanglement. By default the players assigned to be dispelled last get freedomed. e.g. if two players are listed in the MRT note to use freedoms, they'll be assigned to use it on the 3rd and 4th Fiery Growth target. This is the case for every Fiery Growth set except the 7th, where instead they're assigned to freedom the 1st and 2nd. The reason for this is that on the 7th set of Fiery Growths, they come after the Mass Entanglement rather than before.

Notice how nobody is assigned to freedom on the 6th set of Fiery Growths, because that set does not overlap with Mass Entanglement.

|cffaad372Eric|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r
|cffaad372Malarkus|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r
|cffaad372Eric|r |cfff48cbaYipz|r
|cffaad372Malarkus|r |cfff48cbaYipz|r
|cffaad372Eric|r |cfff48cbaYipz|r
|cffaad372Eric|r |cffaad372Kingly|r
|cffaad372Malarkus|r |cfff48cbaYipz|r
|cffaad372Eric|r |cfff48cbaYipz|r
|cffaad372Malarkus|r |cfff48cbaYipz|r

Tindral Sageswift: Fiery Growth dispel assignemnts
Assigns the order in which healers dispel players affected by Fiery Growth. The first name listed always does the first dispel, the second name does the second dispel, etc.

The healers see a glow on their raid frames for the target they are supposed to dispel. When it's not safe to dispel them yet, the glow is red (i.e. when the vulnerability is still up). When it's safe, the glow turns green.

|cffffffffNick|r |cffffffffCere|r |cff00ff98Xesevi|r |cfff48cbaDriney|r

Tindral Sageswift: get dispelled assignments
When affected by Fiery Growth, shows you when you are getting dispelled. This time is estimated based on the number of dispels before yours, and the remaining duration on the vulnerability.

The first player assigned to get dispelled on each set presses a macro to communicate to healers that they are in a safe spot for dispel. The macro is listed at the top of the description. The second through fourth player to be dispelled do not press a macro, they are just expected to be in position as soon as it's safe to dispel them.

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