To change the positioning of the auras in this pack, you should import META - Raid Anchors.
All the raid auras are anchored to these. For example, moving the Meta Anchor - Icons moves all icon-type auras at once. Without the [META - Raid Anchors] pack all your auras will show in the middle of your screen.
All auras will be automatically set to load. If there are any auras you do not want to see, either delete them or go into the load tab and check "never".
For best use, please use BigWigs Bossmods.
For tank icons, text, and annoucements. Make sure both your 'Main Tank' and 'Off Tank' have the 'Main Tank' role.
Developer Notes
- This is still in development and will improve as I do more raid clears. You can help out in the comments!
- The reason we have decided to implement [META - Raid Anchors] is to help future proof this project.
- We plan on releasing a raid pack for every raid in Season of Discovery. Therefore, when you next download one of our raid packs, all auras should be in your preferred position.
- This Weakaura is inspired by Liquid - Raid Packs which is heavily used on the retail version of World of Warcraft.
Lorgus Jett nameplates - Barney Raid Kit. |