This is still in development. Updates will be common, please make sure you update your weak aura frequently.
This weak aura creates clickable frames for your Prescience targets. It allows the user to define priority players or it will automatically pick DPS players from your group.
- Left Click = Prescience
- Right Click = Verdant Embrace(to jump to your target)
- Automatic fill of DPS targets, if not configured
- Igore raid groups
- Blacklist Targets
- Blacklist Classes
- Ebon Might Tracking
- Up to 16 frames
- Automatic fill of rest of party when in a 5-man group
- Custom Option to disable my mouseover, and let you use your own
- DPS Cooldown tracking
- Glowing frames
- Icon while using cooldowns
Custom options must be set from the topmost group.
Please /reloadui after you update/reinstall this weak aura!
Original Credit:
The current buffs are being tracked:
[401150] = true, -- Avatar
[107574] = true, -- Avatar
[227847] = true, -- Bladestorm
[31884] = true, -- Avenging Wrath
[231895] = true, -- Crusade
[359844] = true, -- Call of the Wild
[19574] = true, -- Bestial Wrath
[360952] = true, -- Coordinated Assault
[360966] = true, -- Spearhead
[288613] = true, -- Trueshot
[385627] = true, -- Kingsbane
[13750] = true, -- Adrenaline Rush
[121471] = true, -- Shadow Blades
[51690] = true, -- Killing Spree
[197871] = true, -- Dark Archangel
[228260] = true, -- Void Eruption
[391109] = true, -- Dark Ascension
[194249] = true, -- Voidform
[42650] = true, -- Army of the Dead
[47568] = true, -- Empower Rune Weapon
[315443] = true, -- Abomination Limb
[51271] = true, -- Pillar of Frost
[152279] = true, -- Breath of Sindragosa
[207289] = true, -- Unholy Assault
[114050] = true, -- Ascendance
[191634] = true, -- Stormkeeper
[365362] = true, -- Arcane Surge
[190319] = true, -- Combustion
[12472] = true, -- Icy Veins
[113858] = true, -- Dark Soul: Instability
[113860] = true, -- Dark Soul: Misery
[137639] = true, -- Storm, Earth, and Fire
[152173] = true, -- Serenity
[106951] = true, -- Berserk
[194223] = true, -- Celestial Alignment
[102560] = true, -- Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
[102543] = true, -- Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane
[162264] = true, -- Metamorphosis
[343312] = true, -- Furious Gaze
[375087] = true, -- Dragonrage
[10060] = true, -- Power Infusion
[49206] = true, -- Summon Gargoyle
[205180] = true, -- Summon Darkglare
[265187] = true, -- Summon Demonic Tyrant
[1122] = true, -- Summon Infernal
[384352] = true -- Doom Winds
The current casts are being tracked(with "buff" time):
[42650] = 30, -- Army of the Dead
[49206] = 25, -- Summon Gargoyle
[51533] = 15, -- Feral Spirit
[205180] = 20, -- Summon Darkglare
[265187] = 15, -- Summon Demonic Tyrant
[1122] = 30, -- Summon Infernal
[192249] = 30, -- Storm Elemental
[385627] = 14, -- Kingsbane
[123904] = 20, -- Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
[275699] = 20, -- Apocalypse
[131894] = 15, -- A Murder of Crows
[321530] = 18, -- Bloodshed
[198013] = 2, -- Eyebeam
[370965] = 20, -- The Hunt
[343527] = 8, -- Execution Sentence
[343721] = 12, -- Final Reckoning
[267217] = 15, -- Nether Portal
[205179] = 15, -- Phantom Singularity
[278350] = 10, -- Vile Taint
[386997] = 8, -- Soul Rot
[198067] = 30, -- Fire Elemental
[192222] = 6 -- Liquid Magma Totem
Known Issue(s):
Please report any problems you may be having with this weak aura
For any issues you can contact davethemage on discord |