


ICC Bloodlust reminders

 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-19 04:10:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Reminds to bloodlust if not on CD, not Sated & specific boss conditions
Mostly triggers on boss pull or transition voicelines

Lord Marrowgar t[5] - On pull, 1s delay for positioning.
Lady Deathwhisper t[13] - 180 seconds after pull.
-[OFF] Lady Deathwhisper Alternative t[6] - Phase 2, shield break, 8s delay for positioning.
Deathbringer Saurfang t[8] - On pull.
-[OFF] Deathbringer Saurfang Alternative t[7] - On 30%, frenzy cast.
Rotface t[9] - On pull.
Festergut t[10] - On pull.
Professor Putricide t[11] - Phase 3, 3s delay.
Blood Prince Council t[3] - Valanar invocation (on pull).
-[not supported] Blood-Queen - raid leaders call
-[not supported] Dreamwalker - raid leaders call
Sindragosa t[4] - Phase 2.
The Lich King t[14] - On Pull. (second BL is left for raid leader to call currently)

t[12] - raid leader can manual trigger by typing "iccbl" in chat
t[15] - can check if weakaura is loaded by writing "iccbl?"

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