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如图 只有萨满的专用宏出现过类似问题 而且不止一次 全部命令变成了这个 请问有大佬
萨满-WLK 2025-03-14
小代码换光明是不是最合适的 还是说通过换命中宝石来最好呢
猎人-WLK 2025-03-13
术士-WLK 2025-03-14
法师-WLK 2025-03-14
德鲁伊-WLK 2025-03-14
综合讨论-WLK 2025-03-14
3.6叮的小号,目前已经10个片,麻烦奶萨们帮忙看一下 面板需要调整的范围 谢谢
萨满-WLK 2025-03-14
我刚刚看到 这是真的吗??。。。。。 神金诶。。。。。
综合讨论-WLK 2025-03-14
术士-WLK 2025-03-14
磨磨唧唧到了 外域 玩兽王吧.. 没错野外很爽,宝宝扛着3-4个怪. 我打一个. 什么jy任
猎人-WLK 2025-03-14

[前瞻/资讯] wowhead信息搬运

追梦者 显示全部楼层 发表于 2023-11-15 15:11:13 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


Phase 1 will be Level 25, Phase 2 will be Level 40, Phase 3 will be Level 50, and Phase 4 will be Level 60. Blizzard hasn't decided entirely on the time durations for each phase.

Level-Up Raids and Open World events from previous phases will still be relevant in later phases, as Season of Discovery progresses. Blizzard believes players will certainly go back into previous raids while leveling up.
随着探索季节的进展,前一阶段的RAID和开放世界中的活动在以后的阶段中仍然具有相关性。 暴雪相信玩家在升级时肯定会回到以前的突袭中。(就是以后开P2了你还是要去打黑暗深渊和灰谷)

Raids from WoW Classic will make a return in Season of Discovery in later Phases after Level 60. Blizzard might make changes to those raids, still developing that.
《魔兽世界》经典版的RAID将在 60 级后的后期阶段中回归发现赛季。暴雪可能会对这些RAID进行更改,目前仍在开发中。(我知道你们喜欢刷MC了,放心吧我们也懒的做新副本)

Blizzard said they maybe will create new Legendary items for Season of Discovery. Blizzard is excited to explore new areas and some quest chains that never were completed in original Vanilla.
暴雪表示他们可能会为发现季节创造新的传奇物品。 暴雪很高兴能够探索新的区域和一些在原版中从未完成的任务链。(斯坦索姆前门钓鱼可以出橙武的传说也许要成真了)

Gold buying, selling, and Botting are hard for Blizzard to discuss openly, because it is an arms race with Botters. Blizzard is making changes and monitoring it closely. Blizzard is committed to continue fighting this battle, even if it is endless.
黄金的买卖和Botting对于暴雪来说很难公开讨论,因为这是与Botters的军备竞赛。 暴雪正在做出改变并密切关注。 暴雪致力于继续这场战斗,即使它是无休止的。(虽然我对脚本和RMT没办法,但是我不能告诉你我没办法因为这是军事机密)

Blizzard has been making adjustments to realms and realm caps over time. Blizzard also believes by having fewer realm options, it could lead to a healthier balance of faction population on PvP Realms.
随着时间的推移,暴雪一直在对阵营和阵营上限进行调整。 暴雪还认为,通过减少阵营选择,可能会导致 PvP 领域中阵营人口的更健康平衡。(多开位面少开服务器,你们都在一个服玩就不会不平衡了)

Azeroth should feel challenging and exciting for players, so Blizzard is aware of the player power gained from Runes in the new Season of Discovery. Where it will be appropriate to balance the open world, Blizzard will do it. The same goes for Raids and Dungeons.
艾泽拉斯应该让玩家感到充满挑战和兴奋,因此暴雪意识到玩家在新的发现赛季中从符文中获得的力量。 只要适合平衡开放世界,暴雪就会这么做。 RAID和地下城也是如此。(符文是主要玩法,其他废话)

For Season of Discovery, Blizzard has focused Shaman's Enhancement damage to be more focused on the Burning Crusade version, which is Dual wield focused with Lava Lash. Blizzard is listening to player feedback regarding that.
对于发现赛季,暴雪将萨满祭司的增强伤害集中在燃烧远征版本上,该版本以双持为主,并配有熔岩猛击。 暴雪正在听取玩家的反馈。(增强萨我们已经想好了就抄TBC版本的)

Blizzard "accidentally" teased Scarlet Monastery at BlizzCon and there are tons of new things Blizzard is creating that wasn't teased at all. There will be brand new, never before seen content added into Season of Discovery.
暴雪在暴雪嘉年华上“不小心”放出了血色修道院,而暴雪正在创造的大量新东西根本没有被放出。 探索季中将添加全新的、前所未见的内容。(因为血色有现成的图所以我们才能不小心,其他的还没弄好怎么放嘛)

There might be Runes in future Phases that might make hybrid classes more viable, such as Holy Smite Priest.

The world is the main character in Season of Discovery, Blizzard likes the level banded content because they can really focus on various parts of the world and create new content for that.

Racial Skills are important for Class fantasy and defines characters. Blizzard will not do anything specific for Racial abilities. But Blizzard does hint that maybe Weapon Skill related Racials will be available through rewards in Level-Up Raids. This will make some Weapon Skill Racials potentially less desirable, and maybe an item like Edgemaster's Handguards won't be as necessary.
种族技能很重要,并且定义了角色。 暴雪不会针对种族能力做任何具体的事情。 但暴雪确实暗示,也许武器技能相关的种族将通过RAID中的奖励获得。 这将使某些武器技能种族可能不太受欢迎,并且也许像剑师护手这样的物品就没有必要了。(我不会承认人类兽人KBZ厉害,武器技能和命中偏斜惩罚这些设计是没想好误打误撞出来的结果,但我未来会改的)

Blizzard is open to exploring potentially adding in Priest Racials as Runes in later phases. Like non-Dwarf Priests maybe using Fear Ward.
暴雪愿意探索在后期阶段将牧师种族作为符文添加的可能性。 像非矮人牧师一样可能会使用防护恐惧结界。(你希望你女朋友练个矮子牧给你套反恐而她为了好看一定要选精灵然后你们吵架的事情,不会再发生了)

Blizzard is really excited for Season of Discovery, but wants to see how players react to Season of Discovery. Seasonal Realms are meant to be temporary, but Blizzard will always guarantee that you'll be able to keep the characters you create. But they aren't sure if the Seasonal changes will have a permanent home or not. They are still discussing it and listening to feedback.
暴雪对发现赛季感到非常兴奋,但想看看玩家对发现赛季有何反应。 赛季是暂时的,但暴雪将始终保证您能够保留您创建的角色。 但他们不确定赛季是否会有永久的玩法。 他们仍在讨论并听取反馈。(没想好到底这个赛季到底怎么赛法,但是肯定不会删你角色因为知道你会骂)


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友友 显示全部楼层 发表于 2023-11-15 21:30:11
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