


DQ's Auto Marker for ICC by


 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-31 05:10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The WeakAura automatically tags trash mobs and, if applicable, bosses within the Icecrown Citadel instance in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

All Options as Small Overview

(still work in progress)
You can find the Framework on Github .
Fully functional. Create your own Trash Marking Weakaura by uploading a csv.
Including a full walkthrough all steps.
If you like my work buy me a coffee.

10.10 - new build with pre assigned marks (Thanks to Stonny for his Feedback!)
01.09 - published framework with csv-parser v2
30.08 - minor adjustsments on some markings - based on my (poor) experience of ptr perfomance so far
29.08 - CLEU:UNIT_DIED filter, some basic testing, javascript csv parser which builds "subOptions": []
28.08 - Iinitial Icecrown Citadel Push (no assignments)

You can contact me here on wago.io or via <p h o e n i x> Discord.

Crontributes Maey Gehennas and Ryts
Fork of https://wago.io/-4-XO5Mst and https://wago.io/WvTWjRwcu

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