


Ret FCFS rotation by Sulis (with Divine plea)

 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-3 21:30:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
THIS WEAKAURA WAS MADE BY SULIS/SULES/TORGE, link to the original weakaura:

This is a modified version that includes Divine Plea into the priority due to increased mana usage in P4, useful in fights where seal swapping and/or HW is necessary. This version also keeps Judgement as top prio for cleave in order to preserve mana further. You can customise the priority to your liking in the custom options.

Currently the default prio is P3 (0pc T10). Please follow  the Phase 4 document https://tinyurl.com/RetP4doc by Surveillant, Frosttbitten, & Terryn.

Original WA description:
"Shows you the best spell to cast next based on a priority system.
If any other seal than SoC is active, Single-Target rotation will be shown.
If SoC is active, AOE rotation will be shown.

The free gcd timer (green bar on the left side of the rotation spells) will start whenever you have more than 1.5s before your next spell.
It will be empty by the time a out of order cast would cause your next spell to be delayed.
That means you can freely cast any instant heals or Divine Pleas whenever the bar is not empty.

Change prioritys:
Ret Rotation -> Custom Options -> Single Target/AoE

Change orientation:
Ret Rotation -> Custom Options -> Direction

Change number of spells to be shown:
Ret Rotation -> Custom Options -> Limit

Enable/Disable global cooldown:
Priority Queue -> Trigger -> Trigger 1 (2) -> Extra Options -> Show Global Cooldown

Enable/Disable animation:
Priority Queue -> Group -> Animated Expand and Collapse

Enable/Disable free gcd timer:
Free GCD Timer -> Load -> Never

(WotLk, Wrath, Ret, Retribution, Rotation, Next Spell, Guide, Help, Helper, FiFo, Prio, Priority)"

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