


Classic Era PvP Rank Calculator

 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-22 03:30:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Calculates your PvP rank after the next reset and displays it in the honor window:

  • The progress bar shows your progress (in honor) to reaching the maximum Contribution Point (CP) award for your rank. Earning honor after the bar is full will not have any effect on your standing.
  • The first tick (red) on the progress bar is the point you will need to reach to prevent decay.
  • The other ticks (white) are the points where you will be awarded CP. Your projected rank will update when you reach each of these.
  • The numbers to the left are your honor / the honor needed to earn the maximum CP award.
  • The text to the right indicates your rank and progress towards the next rank. For example: "Knight-Captain (8.07)" means next week you will be rank 8 with 7% progress towards rank 9. If you haven't earned enough honor to prevent decay, this will indicate you are going to decay.

CP is awarded in chunks based on the amount of honor you earn. So, even though this aura updates in real time, you will not see your next rank update gradually as you earn honor. Instead, it will update in chunks as you reach the next honor bracket. These points are the tick marks on the progress bar.

<span style="color:red">The predicted rank is currently likely to be inaccurate, due to a new Bluepost (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/so-how-does-this-dishonorable-kill-system-work/1664598/38). Please join the discord and provide your Honor Tab after the coming reset. That would help us to confirm or debunk this.</span> https://discord.gg/zev32q2eJg

Huge thanks to Franz-Firemaw, Beastinblack-Firemaw, and Lewkah on Discord


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