


Duel Spectator UI

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-7 20:34:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Duel Spectator UI

Hardcore duels to the death are pretty sick, but they're a bit hard to watch and follow along with just the standard Blizzard UI.  This aura gives you a set of frames that provide a nice spectator view of a duel. It shows

  • Current health and mana
  • Cast bar with the current spell being cast
  • Recently used spells and abilities
  • Currently active buffs and debuffs
  • Class portrait which will display currently active CC



To use the aura, there are two provided aura groups, "Duelist #1" and "Duelist #2".  For each of them, you just go to the "Custom Options" tab in WeakAuras and type the name of the player that you are watching duel:



  • To have the most up-to-date health and mana values, you will need to meet one of the following conditions:

    • be targeting one of the dueling players,
    • have one of the dueling players in your group,
    • be within 20 yards of the dueling players with friendly nameplates enabled,
    • have someone in your group who is targeting one of the dueling players,

  • If none of these conditions are met, the health and mana bars will show the most recently known value but not update.  This is a restriction of the Blizzard API that addons can not get up-to-date information on arbitrary units/players, but only those who correspond to a "Unit ID" (e.g., player, target, party1, targettarget, party1target, nameplate1 etc.).
  • Cast bars and recently used spells/abilities will only show up if you are within 50 yards of the player, since combat log events for these actions are only given to you if you are in range of the player.
  • Spell icons and cast times will occasionally be incorrect.  This is due to the fact that in the Classic client, it is not possible to know the exact spell ID of a spell cast by another player, but only the spell name.  Since there are often many versions of a spell with the same name but different icons or cast times (e.g., different ranks of the same spell, or spells cast by an NPC with the same spell name), we arbitrarily pick one and hope it is the right one.
  • The cast bar will not show channeled spells

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