THIS WEAKAURA WAS MADE BY SULIS/TORGE, not me. I just re-uploaded it with the proper phase 3 spell priority, so he doesn't have to, and so that Retribution Paladins will stop playing with improper settings by accident (lots of Retribution Paladins downloaded Sulis' WeakAura but never adjusted the spell priority settings which change over time, costing them free DPS).
Link to Original WeakAura:
In the custom options you will see the spell priority matches our recommendations from the Phase 3 document:
(Judge is very low prio on cleave, as this sims best. At times you may need to ignore the weakaura and Judge instead for mana reasons.)
No set-up required, just plug and play.
I will update this in order to optimize the rotation DPS whenever necessary. Soon we hope to have a more complex spell priority system, called APL, from the WoWsims project implemented into the WeakAura.
Fixed Holy Wrath not showing for non english clients
From Sulis' WA description:
"Shows you the best spell to cast next based on a priority system.
If any other seal than SoC is active, Single-Target rotation will be shown.
If SoC is active, AOE rotation will be shown.
The free gcd timer (green bar on the left side of the rotation spells) will start whenever you have more than 1.5s before your next spell.
It will be empty by the time a out of order cast would cause your next spell to be delayed.
That means you can freely cast any instant heals or Divine Pleas whenever the bar is not empty.
Change prioritys:
Ret Rotation -> Custom Options -> Single Target/AoE
Change orientation:
Ret Rotation -> Custom Options -> Direction
Change number of spells to be shown:
Ret Rotation -> Custom Options -> Limit
Enable/Disable global cooldown:
Priority Queue -> Trigger -> Trigger 1 (2) -> Extra Options -> Show Global Cooldown
Enable/Disable animation:
Priority Queue -> Group -> Animated Expand and Collapse
Enable/Disable free gcd timer:
Free GCD Timer -> Load -> Never
(WotLk, Wrath, Ret, Retribution, Rotation, Next Spell, Guide, Help, Helper, FiFo, Prio, Priority)" |