


Tama's Dragonflight helper

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-14 21:15:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Check the Trello Broad for any known issues and how the project doing and what's coming etc

There is a Bug with SNS and the quest ids being used not resetting weekly as expected please bare with me

Early warning we are back to 49008K/50000k, once things are stable ill look at what if any code I can optimise stuff but the WA is at its limit

A hint of the future

As a coffee-powered gamer, I accept coffeedonations feel free to send me coffee to keep me powered
For those that have DMed me about it, No I don’t currently have a Patreon but may look at it in the future for other projects

Tama's Season 2 Helper
Includes item and rare tracking as well as none weekly quest, whilst turned ofr by default it also includes the research timer and niffin rep

season 2 profession up date coming soon

Other Modules that fit the theame

For Those asking if I can add a key bind to toggle the WA, it is possible to do it as part of Weak auras (well kind of), you can bind any WA to any Frame. here’s a video WeakAuras Feature: Attach, By Infus onWoW that explains how to do it with any WA (if you like the video maybe give him a like etc )  may be the Character panel or the small map (Shift+m)

Everything can be toggled to show or hide in custom options
By going into the main group then the “Display” tab and changing the Bar textures you can change the dark  mode of “World state Score” to any other bar setting including “Empty”, if you want a transparent look
You will need to reload in between each change to save your settings
If the position of the Module is not to your liking then please click the module and move it
  -Please stop reporting the layout as a bug!
If you want to make something bigger or smaller, you can achieve this by using the Scale feature, you can scale each of the modules independently, as well as scale the whole WA.
Please don’t delete parts or modify the weak aura and then complain it’s not working,
I’ve spent hours fixing stuff that turned out to be users changing things outside of the intended or don’t read this page or simply don’t turn on a module

Rare tracking

  • in the custom options you can choose how each rare is shown/hidden to show based on:-
        - Current class and it will show only rares that have loot for your class

Rare World Marking

  • Shift-Left click (on the icons)= Add Blizzard waypoint marker/Tomtom Waypoints can be enabled on the custom option menu (only works with rares at this time)
  • Shift-Right click (on the icons) = Clears waypoint
  • CTRL-Left click (on the icons)= Print loot list

Rare bar colouring

  • Green text = unkilled and in same zone
  • Red text = killed
  • White text not in same zone and not killed

Rare loot Displaying and drops

  • all the current rares added had been added to show only if they drop gear for your current Class
  • enable advanced tooltip to show items the drop right in the tooltip

Event timers
Times are pulling server-side data for your local region
They allow for a variable offset for fine-tuning
Reputation Bars
The 4 main renown bars are turned on by default.
You can turn all rep bars on/off in the custom settings.

Thanks for all the interest and requests for additional features, I managed to get early development done quickly due to being able to take time off after getting a number of donations. However, with running a company, playing wow & spending time with my wife and kids time to add additional features it’s pretty tight.

Please read before updating past 4.10.10
With the incoming update to version 5, i’m having to make some changes to the way the weak aura is imported.
As of update 4.99.1. (coming soon)Modules other than the Weekly and professional one are being moved into their own imports.
Going from 4.10 (or previous)to any 4.99 versions need a clean install

Why am I doing this?
WA imports
Weak auras should ideally be under 50,000 characters over the festive period I kept over that without noticing and going over 50k risks decompression failure, which a couple of people are starting to experience and would get more common for others

Having to clean and install everything isn’t something I like getting people to do, doing it this way will minimise that happening and also reduce the impact it does have

I get 10+ feature requests a Day and adding/managing them is a growing complexity which will impact the Weak Arua.
This Weak Aura
This import will still have the weekly and professional modules in it as those are pretty stable and will not need many changes now
Version 4.9
A clean install is recommended as there has been a complete change to a number of items and the way they are set up
You can test the beta version of the crafting module and some of the implemented professions
this module can be moved independently of the todo list, only the professions you are currently specced into will show
currently, it is very one-time knowledge focused but I’m working on the weekly professions stuff as well.
Stuff coming later

Version 5
Professions Knowledge module (beta is currently being tested)
Onetime treasures
profession Masters
profession Treatise (this item is made by inscriptors and can be purchased on the work orders)
profession weekly quest
profession one-time quests

Later updates
A Brakenhollow timers  not working correctly
-Primal invasion timers- Done
Primsl invasion boss kill tracking
Current zone only option for rare
option to report event timers to chat(guild/general)
fishing dailies
fishing net timers
renown grind calculators eg x hunts/keys/feast to x renown
QoL features

I can’t give a timescale on updates as I have to balance work and do stuff like this in my free time outside of spending time with my wife and kids and playing the game myself

Please Leave details on any bugs below and ill get to them as soon as I have time.
This is the Dragonflight helper; an updated and modified version of my popular Zereth Mortis helper.
My thanks to the following
—Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations
—Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations
—Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations
—Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations
—Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations
—三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations
—hohunide thank you for your Translations
—N3cro#92 thank you for your German Translations
Precooked, Littlepink ,Nere & lars thank you for your help with my dyslexia spellings errors
Todolist code Sampled
Dorovon#1260 Korthia Checklist used in the zerith mortis and dragon flight helpers
Brakenhide time inspired by Lars#23605
Buds,  Kio, and Trim for help with code and logic
Code sampled
Putro for your event timer code I used which gave me ideas/concepts when writing a version currently being used as of version 4.1.9-30
VielysThe Profession mode V2 was based of and inspired by your work
loot layout and primal storms are thanks toHaldu’s fork on this WA
Blushadowsa full currency tracker for every currency and every expansion was use as the base of the currency tracker v1
Thanks to my guild and raid teams for their support and help with testing
Thanks to my darling wife for putting up with her husband doing this in our free time  

Finally but by no means least
Is a massive Thanks to the support and donations from the community
This Weakaura is my fastest-growing WA
The feedback and interest in the WA has been great
The raiders guide I release before dragon flight got as warm a welcome as well
All this has shown me that the wow community is Great it brings a smile to my face just to think of you guys using stuff I make and I look forward to making more stuff for you all to enjoy
With your kind donations, I’ve been able to spend more time developing this weak aura so id, like to thank those that have donated to me.  

Other Dragon flight Projects
Raider Guide to Dragonflight
—For those looking for information about the expansion you can find what i have to offer in  my raiders guide

1-70 levelling pack
Tama’s 1-70 Leveling pack Dragonflight Ready

Dragonflight Dungeons
Complete set of DF Dungeons N/H/M Beta

Dragonflight Raid
Vault of the Incarnates

Dragonflight Class
BrM Monk   -Dragon flight Monk BrM

As a coffee-powered gamer, I accept coffeedonations feel free to send me coffee to keep me powered

Search Keywords
Levelling, Experience, XP, Banner, Buffs,Tama’s, Tama, Dragonflight, helper,Tama’s Dragonflight helper

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