An overly complicated poison aura. This could have been done more simply with just standard triggers for Weapon Enchant, but this accomplishes two goals that standard triggers couldn't (for this specific trigger type):
1) A mainhand and offhand poison bar with a single aura, rather than two separate auras.
2) Properly showing the poison icon rather than showing the weapon icon.
Accomplishing #1 requires the use of a Trigger State Updater trigger type
Accomplishing #2 requires a manual mapping of EnchantIDs to icons, because with only the enchant ID there is no data linking it to the corresponding spell.
Dev Notes:
There is some inescapable lagtime between when weapon enchants are available with GetWeaponEnchantInfo(), so occasionally the standard event (UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED) won't be able to capture the data. I've implemented a C_Timer.NewTicker to force a re-update after a time that should be appropriate. Occasionally this will mean the update will take a second. |