Tracking your Spell you are targeting: Range, OOM, Duration, Casting, Highlight when able to use.
Feature include:
Auto change Icon and duration all of your Curse
Auto Hide unlearned skill or talent
Change to blue when oom
Change to red when out of range
Highlight Nighfall Proc
This is a part of my big WA project for warlock to control everything we need and i will release soon.
WeakAuras Denon Warlock Classic Part 3/9
1/9: Missing
2/9: HP/MP Bar
3/9: Spell
4/9: Cooldown (coming soon)
5/9: CC Tracking (coming soon)
6/9: Soulstone Group/Raid Track
7/9: Curse Group/Raid Tracking (coming soon)
8/9: Notification (coming soon)
9/9: The Silence Sound (coming soon)
Easier for auto update if use WeakAuras Companion: How to Auto Update WeakAuras from Wago
How to import WeakAuras from Wago
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