Mage Range Check
Provides a small range indicator anchored to your target frame to help you maintain a safe range from enemies, and know what spells you can cast.
- Greater than 35 yards (black background, out of range)
- 30-35 yards (green background, in range for fireball)
- 20-30 yards (green background, in range for frostbolt, polymorph, flamestrike, blizzard)
- 10-20 yards (yellow background, in range for fire blast)
- Less than 10 yards (red background, in range for frost nova, arcane explosion)
Uses Fireball, Frostbolt, and Fire Blast to determine range. Will not work if those spells are not learned.
The ranges are set up based on range without Flame Throwing or Arctic Reach talents. Some adjustment would be needed if talented. |