


Survival | Marksman Ulduar Parse Hunter with Rotation Help

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 17:27:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Custom Swingtimer, Mana Bar, Cast Bar, Cooldowns, Eng CDs, Next Attack Rotation, Aspect, Debuffs/Missing Debuffs, Cursor

    -SwingTimer/Cast Bar (www)
    -Dynamic Mana Bar (www)
    -Eng Bombs/Gloves/Boots/Belt/Cloak/Helm (www)
    -Debuffs (www)
    -Next Attack Rotation (www)
    -Cursor (www)

libclassicswingtimerapi included

This is perfect for parsing giving you all information needed to go after those orange parses or just to improve the class as a hole.

Great quality of life improvements included.

All feedback is welcomed.... Discord coming soon

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