


Ulduar - Algalon Star HP Sync Grp (Pixol)

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 17:09:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(EXPERIMENTAL) Estimates Collapsing Star HP using the Spawn Time and adding up the Star's Damage taken from CLEU. Includes Big Bang and Star Respawn Timer.

Numen's WeakAura found here: https://wago.io/469IQ-Ue3
(This weakaura is inspired by numen's weakaura, I recommend the original from them!)

To initialize the health bar for a Collapsing Star, do any of the following for the weakaura to be able to extract and store the star's GUID (only need it once):
- Have the star visible on nameplates
- Mouseover the star
- Have anyone in your raid target the star
- Have anyone do damage to the star to trigger a CLEU damage event
- Have anyone in your raid do any of the above and you will receive the GUID as well

After the star's GUID is stored, it will send an AddonMessage to the rest of the raid in order to share the GUID. For example, if a star shows up on your fellow raider's nameplates but you couldn't see the star on your nameplates, then their weakaura should communicate the GUID to your weakaura and the healthbar should become initialized for that star.

Big Bang window is also shown on the Collapsing Star HP as smaller highlighted overlay within the bar
- Left edge of the overlay is roughly 4 seconds into the Big Bang cast
- Right edge is the end of the Big Bang cast + a small delay before people are kicked out of the Black Hole phase
- This overlay moves as time progresses
- Used for timing a star death during the Big Bang cast
- Timers are still experimental and may not be 100% accurate

The white overlay bar on the Big Bang Ends bar:
- Left Edge: Estimated time when everyone gets kicked out of Black Hole phase
- Right Edge: Estimated time when Big Bang begins casting
- This overlay does not move

The Big Bang and Star Respawn timer bars have a fixed width of 100s in duration. The Star health bars have a fixed width of 100% hp and decays at a rate of 1% hp/s (assuming no dmg/DoTs), thus effectively has a width of 100s in duration. So all the bars line up vertically in the "timeline".

Newer features in v1.0.7+ inspired by Fojji's Algalon kill video

Spawn Time from GUID:

v1.0.7+ has big untested changes
- If you just want working HP bars for the stars without the new features, use v1.0.6
- Beware the code is super scuff. Lots of copy/paste (lack of functions) and weird time offsets. Definitely not cleaned up.
- Screenshots are from Retail. Haven't re-tested v1.0.7 on classic yet.

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