


Sno - Rogue WoTLK Active Buffs

 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-11 17:08:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tracks all major rogue active buffs from trinkets, short term atk buffs/debuffs (eg. AR/BF), speed pots, procs and other offensive buff sources to help stack CD timings.

Sno's WoTLK rogue UI setup:
Combo points - https://wago.io/3_4x7VfZt
Energy bar - https://wago.io/DMS3r2RGn
Rogue actives tracker - https://wago.io/Cl9Q056v_
Rogue short CDs tracker - https://wago.io/suMlTppH0

Got UI questions? Join Sno's discord: https://discord.gg/T9XQJw7gJj
Want to support Sno's UI mods and get bonus features and weakauras? Join the patreon: https://patreon.com/snomie

>> If you want circle SnD like Sno has on stream, you need to download the masque skin 'Raeli' and apply 'Raeli - Ring Inset' skin to the weakaura named 'Slice and Dice 2' under masque. I'd also recommend increasing width and height of SnD weakaura by 5 pixels (circle makes it look a bit smaller than other icons) <<

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