


Melee Weave Smart Camera Flip

 楼主| 发表于 2024-1-21 10:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This weak aura flips your character's run direction automatically when melee weaving.

Requires some setup, see the Requirements section.


  • Run forward into melee range.
  • Continue holding forward, and press or spam your Melee Weave attack macro.
  • After attacking, your character will turn around automatically and run back toward shooting distance.
  • When you exit the deadzone, stop moving. The WeakAura will automatically turn you to face your target again.
  • Press your Auto Shot macro.

It's recommended to use the &quotredictive Weave Bar" WeakAura to also assist with melee weave timing. This is the UI in the demo clip.


A reverse camera view must be setup for this WeakAura to work.

  • Open Keybindings.
  • Go to Camera settings.
  • Assign a key to "Save View 1"
  • Close Keybindings.
  • Hold RMB and face directly north with your character.
  • Type '/run print(GetPlayerFacing())' in your chat window.
  • Adjust your facing (while holding RMB) until the value is close to 0.0 or 6.28 (true north)
  • Now, you need to turn your character 180 degrees while holding LMB (without turning the camera at all).
  • Use '/run print(GetPlayerFacing())' and this time try to get it as close to '3.14' as possible.
  • Press your hotkey for "Save View 1"
  • Done!

Choose a Detection Mode for the camera flip (read below).

Check out the Custom Options area for additional configuration.

Detection Modes

Combat Log

  • Automatically detects your swing and flips your camera when it happens.
  • This is simple and automatic, but incurs a small delay due to server latency for the combat events.


  • Requires a script call directly in your weave macro(s).
  • This is the most responsive option as it happens immediately.
  • Only the macros you choose will have this functionality, so you can keep normal behavior on your other melee buttons if desired.
  • If you are in melee range when the macro is pressed, it will instantly flip your camera at the same time as the macro is pressed.
  • If you are out of melee range, it will leave your camera as normal (safe to use in a dual-purpose macro that combine startattack and Auto Shot).
  • This is done by adding '/run MeleeWeaveFlip()' to your attack macros (at the bottom or after all your melee attack commands). The name of this function can be adjusted to anything you like in the options (if you want a shorter name, for example).


  • Combines both detection modes at once, using the combat log as a fallback option.
  • Ensure the "Cooldown" option is set (around 0.25-0.5), which will suppress the second trigger from happening if they both activate.

Behavior Notes

  • If LMB or RMB is held during any triggers, the smart camera flip will not happen and your character will behave as normal.
  • Options exist to disable whether the camera flip happens in PvP, or when you have aggro from an enemy.
  • The smart camera flip will not happen if the player is standing still. This allows for regular static weaving without changing your direction.
  • When you stop moving, your character will always spin to face in the direction of your camera. This makes it simple to turn on Auto Shot again when you are done moving after a camera flip.

Recommended Weave Macro

The following attack macro will cast your weave attacks instantly when reaching melee range (bind to mousewheel works for spamming this). This specific sequence will perform better than just using Raptor, Fanking, startattack. Tested with a mousewheel and it consistently lands melee weaves within <=0.02sec of entering melee range.

You can add any targetting commands before/after the macro as usual if you want special mouseover behavior, as long as this core part is there.

/use !Raptor Strike
/use Flanking Strike
/use !Raptor Strike

or with Wing Clip:

/use !Raptor Strike
/use Wing Clip
/use !Raptor Strike

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