NEW UPDATE - SLIGHT VISUAL CHANGES, ADDED STARSURGE, CORRECTED WILD GROWTH NOT BEING THERE, ADDED UTILITY BAR w/ RACIAL TRACKERS TOO(fixed utility bar only showing for horde). Now has starsurge tracking in cat for pvp and faerie fire tracking in caster form.
The cat form auras are triggered specifically by Form 3, which requires you to know Aquatic Form (2). If you don't have aquatic form learned, you will either have to learn it or change the Form/Stance/Aura Trigger for any cat form related aura to Form 2.
Edited our lovely Emanicpator's weakaura from Wotlk to include some new relevant spells for Season of Discovery. (NOTE: Doesn't include tracking for Starsurge/ Skull Bash as I don't have these runes and don't plan on using them much personally) |