


UntrueUI - Navi Cursor - Classic

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-7 17:50:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- Adds Navi to your cursor
- Cast bar on cursor
- GTFO addon high damage warning
- Entering/Leaving combat display
- Boss emote/mob display
- DBM Break timer
- PMs (out of combat)
- Battle.net DMs (out of combat)
- Ready check display
- Spell missed display
- Loot Display (player only)
- Mage Portal Casts
- Counts down at the start of a Battleground
- Flavor Text for AFK and some emotes
- Tells you when your auction sells
- Interrupt bars
- Spell lockout timers
- Killing blow Text
- Range Checker
- Target HP percent
- Low HP Warning
- Low Mana Warning
- Shows battleground system messages
- Missed Spell TTS some System Message TTS
- AFK Screen
- Threat percent and Aggro Texture

Best for UI Scale 71%

For the sparkle effect download CursorTrail addon > https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/cursortrail/files?page=1&pageSize=20&gameVersionTypeId=67408

check the screenshot of the CusorTrail options to set it up

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