Automagically uses flying mounts in flyable areas and ground mounts in non-flyable areas. Can use all available mounts or blacklist/whitelist. Image examples provided.
Can be activated with the macro:
/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SOLTI_RANDOM_MOUNT")
Or for Druids:
/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("SOLTI_RANDOM_MOUNT")
You can find settings in the "Custom Options" tab.
You can select "all mounts", "blacklist" or "whitelist" mode, "all mounts" is selected by default.
Any name format works for blacklist and whitelist, including shift+click from WoW Collections UI. Mount names should be separated with comma or it will not work.
If you want different options for different characters/factions:
Right click the WA -> duplicate -> rename -> go to "Load" tab -> set character name or faction conditions.
Right click the WA -> duplicate -> rename -> go to "Trigger" tab -> "Trigger 1: Custom" -> "Event(s)" -> edit event name -> use a different macro with the edited event name.
Made by Solti-Firemaw |