This WA is very similar in nature to my Living Bomb Uptime Helper.
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It monitors the haste buff from 2pT10, pushing the limit, and tries to help you maximise the uptime, by internally tracking various variables such as: Hot Streak procs, PTL remaining time, Cast Time, LB expiration.
It is a small bar with 4 states represented by 4 colours:
- Green: you can safely refresh the buff by consuming a HS proc the next cast, without wasting any uptime.
- Red: consuming a HS proc now would waste some of the uptime, tells you that you can fit an extra cast when the current one finishes (casting speed snapshots)
- Orange: Living Bomb is about to explode, and you already have a HS proc up. There is a considerable risk of wasting a HS proc.
- Now it can dynamically predict that you get a LB explosion together with a Fireball hit before you would finish casting another fireball based on the fireball flight time and your current approximated distance from the target.
- No Color: Default state, nothing to mention.
WARNING 1: This WA is not meant to be followed blindly, it is merely a visual aid to take decisions quicker. Always consider the situation before deciding if pocketing the HS proc or not (movement, responding to fight mechanics, adds, etc...)
WARNING2: This WA does not track heating up, only Hot Streak procs. To have better idea how close you are to overwriting a HS use an addon/WA that visually tracks Heating Up and Hot Streaks procs.
Currently it doesn't offer a proper PTL tracking bar or icon that tells you the remaining time, it is meant as an addition to any tracker you might have instead of a replacement. |