For a very similar WA but that tracks the Pushing the Limit buff (2pT10 12% haste effect) check:
This WA compares the time remaining on Living Bomb on your target and the current fireball cast and changes color depending on various scenarios:
- No Color: Living Bomb still has more than 5 seconds until exploding.
- Red: The current Fireball cast will finish before LB expiration
- Orange: LB will expire between your Fireball cast and a Pyro GCD, you can stall refreshing the LB by using a HS proc.
- Green: The current fireball cast will end after your LB has expired
In flight range checker
Added the option of showing a flight time range indicator. Such indicator tells you if you are far enough such that the flight time of your fireballs is LONGER than your current GCD.
This allows you to know If you can fit an instant cast (pyro/LB) while your fireball is still in flight.
You can toggle this behaviour from the custom option pane.
You can change colors from the custom options tab.
Don't like shape/size/border/position? Just adapt it to your UI from the display tab.
Absolutely no logic for multi target, it only cares about your current target.
Remember to use your hot streak procs. It is ok to delay LB to avoid wasting a proc. |