This is the version for WOW Classic ERA
Forked from: nan Shield - Absorb tracker for WoW Classic - v1.3.4-10
The latest version of this WA needs WeakAuras-5.3.5 or up due to:
- the region:Rotate has been renamed to region:SetRotation
- the region:GetRotation has been renamed to region:GetBaseRotation
For the WotLK version see:
For the Retail version see:
Updated the spell list for WOW Classic ERA
Fixed a divide by zero error in segment
Original description:
This aura tracks all absorb effects on your character. The absorb values are grouped by damage type (i.e. physical, magic, fire, frost, etc.). The number shows the amount of damage of certain type that your character can absorb without taking HP damage. When you have multiple absorb effects, the number shows the lowest absorb value. For example if you have "Ice Barrier", "Fire Ward", "Greater Fire Protection Potion", " ower Word: Shield" and "Mana Shield", then the number will show the amount of physical damage you can absorb - "Ice Barrier" + " ower Word: Shield" + "Mana Shield" - as long as "Mana Shield" holds and its absorb value is higher than FW+GFPP; however when FW+GFPP drops below "Mana Shield", the number will be showing your fire damage absorb values.
By default the aura runs in HUD mode but a standard 'Bar' aura can also be enabled by unchecking "nanShield:Bar > Load > Never".