This aura shows the current weekly Affixes while you are in a Mythic dungeon, so that you don't have to open the Mythic+ Dungeons tab while preparing your Talents for the next Mythic+ run.
You can mouseover any icon to read the corresponding tooltip. The icons appear in Mythic Dungeons: as you enter, on Ready Check, or when you change Talents. They disappear: as start a Mythic+ challenge, or when the time expires. You can change the Duration in Custom Options. If set to zero, they stay visible indefinitely.
Masque is not required. If you are using it, however, a /reload is required to fix the style of the icons right after importing this aura. In particular, this aura will automatically disable Masque for its own icons so that the border shows properly. To clarify, Masque is not going to be disabled for everything else. A system message will tell you when to /reload. |