


Dae's Druid Cooldowns (Innervate Stuff)

 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 08:55:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If you are a druid:

  • Set your innervate target as your focus.
  • Whenever they fall below 85% mana, and your innervate spell is available, you will hear a sword ching and see a reminder to cast innervate.

If you are a healer:

  • If you receive an innervate, you will hear a loud cheer and see a lightning bolt and timer for time remainintg on innervate.

Resto Dr00dz, when you cast innervate on another player, you will also receive the benefit, and so you too will hear the cheer sound and see the timer.


  • Won't proc if your focus target already has innvervate cast on them.
  • Added visual sparkles around ElvUI Focus frame and ElvUI player for as reminders.

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