This is my Evoker UI that my community requested I make public. As seen on
This is a collection of useful Devastation Evoker Weakauras I have compiled and modified over hundreds of hours on Beta, broken into groups. In Dragonflight, this will be my Evoker UI and I will continue to update it as I find other ways to improve it. This aura contains most of the below auras if you want a quick option to get started.
Added tracking for iridescence and power swell
Aura contains the following:
- Cooldowns and Essence (Devastation and Preservation) (
- Aura Tracking and CC (
- Various Durations and Stacks for Buffs, Debuffs, (
- Range Tracker (
- ES Target Check (
- Disintegrate Tick Tracker (icon) (
- Mini Cast Bar (
- Tick Markers / Essence Bar (
- Scarlet Adaptation (
HUD Edit Mode Layout String:
0 36 0 0 0 4 4 UIParent 0.0 -569.5 -1 ##$$%/&&'%)#+$ 0 1 0 7 1 MultiBarBottomRight 0.7 4.0 -1 ##$$%/&&'%(#,$ 0 2 0 4 4 UIParent 0.0 -528.0 -1 ##$$%/&&'%(#,$ 0 3 0 4 4 UIParent 0.0 -450.9 -1 ##$$%/&%'%(#,# 0 4 0 3 3 UIParent 403.4 -266.9 -1 ##$$%)&$'%(#,# 0 5 0 6 6 UIParent 2.9 263.2 -1 ##$$%/&#'-(#,# 0 6 0 1 1 UIParent -907.2 -832.8 -1 ##$$%/&#'%(#,# 0 7 0 3 3 UIParent 2.0 -228.1 -1 ##$$%/&#'%(#,# 0 10 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$&('% 0 11 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$&('%,# 0 12 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$&('% 1 -1 0 4 4 UIParent 0.0 -280.8 -1 #'$#%# 2 -1 1 2 2 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 ##$#%( 3 0 0 1 1 UIParent -240.0 -736.8 -1 $#3# 3 1 0 1 1 UIParent 238.0 -734.8 -1 %#3# 3 2 0 3 3 UIParent 1434.2 -129.8 -1 %#&$3# 3 3 0 0 0 UIParent 333.6 -390.0 -1 '$(#)#-k.7/#1$3# 3 4 0 0 0 UIParent 0.0 -598.9 -1 ,#-;.+/#0&1$2( 3 5 0 2 2 UIParent -356.2 -232.8 -1 &$*$3# 3 6 1 5 5 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 3# 3 7 1 4 4 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 3# 4 -1 0 7 7 UIParent -1.5 213.1 -1 # 5 -1 0 4 4 UIParent 0.0 -355.1 -1 # 6 0 1 2 0 MinimapCluster -10.0 -10.0 -1 ##$#%#&.(()( 6 1 1 2 8 BuffFrame -13.0 -15.0 -1 ##$#%#'+(()( 7 -1 0 1 1 UIParent -763.0 -2.0 -1 # 8 -1 0 6 6 UIParent 32.0 35.3 -1 #'$G%$&f 9 -1 0 7 7 UIParent -284.1 207.0 -1 # 10 -1 0 0 0 UIParent 174.4 -148.9 -1 # 11 -1 0 5 5 UIParent -2.0 -254.3 -1 # 12 -1 1 2 2 UIParent -110.0 -275.0 -1 #K$# 13 -1 0 7 7 UIParent 414.3 -0.0 -1 ##$#%#&, 14 -1 0 8 8 UIParent -413.2 -0.0 -1 ##$#%( 15 0 0 1 1 UIParent -2.0 -6.2 -1 # 15 1 1 7 1 MainStatusTrackingBarContainer 0.0 0.0 -1 # 16 -1 1 5 5 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 #( |