Highlights Players that need healing during the last phase of Anub'arak (Leeching Swarm Debuff).
Since the incoming damage is somehow predictable during this last phase, the weakaura will try to calculate the damage ticks for each raid member during that phase and will only highlight those, which drop below a certain threshold. This threshold can be defined under "Custom Options" (Default: 750 HP).
It also takes the Penetrating Cold and Acid-Drenched Mandibles into account. For those the player can set damage values under custom option. Of course one could do some calculations based on combat log events but I think this wouldn't bring huge benefits and increases computing time. I went with the wowhead values (without taking resistances into account) for both debuffs as default. If you feel the need you can adjust them.
You can also exclude tanks from the weakaura or set add an HP buffer thus the aura triggers early (to take meele hits of Anub'arak and the Burrowers into account).
Aura also attaches a unique number to each Penetrating Cold target (based on their position in the raid) and under custom options you can select to only show specific targets (e.g. Target 1 & 3). |