A huge UI pack that includes many, smaller weakauras. Feel free to yoink whatever little pieces you want, if you don't want the whole package.
I use and strongly recommend https://wago.io/C1-ZAvJPM to track your procs and their ICDS - this is what you see pictured as 2.
Notable Features:
1. Poison and consume tracker, reminds you at 10m left on poison, reminds you if no elixir/well fed in instance
2. See above, https://wago.io/C1-ZAvJPM
3. Shows estimated CP before finisher falls for Combat, here it thinks ill get 8cp before my slice falls in 18s
4. Reference for how long you'll get from a finisher if you cast now (smart and knows if you're glyphed)
Other Features:
Shows a little notification when you get an energy proc (Combat Potency, Stormshroud, etc)
Shows a Hunger for Blood icon on nameplates that are bleeding, and you don't have Hunger up / it has <4s left
Tracks spec-appropriate offensive and defensive cooldowns, and finisher durations such as Envenom for Mutilate specced rogues and Rupture for Combat or Blood Spatter specced rogues
Tracks short cooldowns when they are used, like Kick and Feint
Tracks temporary other buffs, like Unholy Frenzy, Sprint, Felstriker, and Tricks of the Trade transfers or from other rogues.
Warns you if you are targeting a boss with your Stormshroud gear or Fan of Knives weapons on.
Counts all targets in range for Fan of Knives.
Tallys all damage dealt with aoe casts, shows how many targets hit, and the name of Blade Flurry targets.
Warns you if your focus target is out of Tricks of the Trade Range.
The combo point predictor was first drafted by the great Robzx, found here https://wago.io/1Zx_4qZaN |