Intended for use with CSV-files generated by the soft reserve tool
Notifies the user of soft reserves. Primarily useful for the master looter, but will somewhat work for everyone.
-- copy paste the CSV into the box in the Custom Options tab. If done correctly, all soft reserves should be displayed while the WeakAuras menu is open
-- a bar will pop up whenever an item is looted, displaying the item and whoever has soft reserved it. Names not found in your raid are greyed out (though mind this is dependent on your users spelling their character names correctly).
-- various announcements can be made, either to all currently shown items (the top buttons) or by clicking the bars themselves. By default, ctrl + left click announces the item and ctrl + right click announces start roll for the item.
Partially localization dependent, but adding new locales is relatively easy in the Action tab > "On Init" code block.
(Based on version v1.2.7-18 originally created by EmElw#2294. This is just a FORK to fix some issues with newer WA and WoW LUA API) |