-- I found @EpiWoW's Season 1 frame glows weakaura to be very helpful, and thought I would update it for Season 2, as the project was abandoned. --
Your party frame will glow when the party member has a Magic, Curse, Disease, Poison or Bleed debuff that can be dispelled by you.
I am also working on a Root/Snare dispel group too for Paladins (BoF) and Monks (Tiger's Lust), but this is disabled currently as I continue to test it.
I have seen that others have also forked the original weakaura, changing some of the functionality, perhaps for the better in cases! This weakaura retains as much original functionality as before and therefore is a direct replacement for Season 1.
I play a Warlock and it's not showing the magic debuffs, why?!
You must have your Imp summoned for the magic debuff glow to show.
I don't want a glow for X ability anymore. How do I stop tracking this debuff?
Head to the Triggers and under Exact Spell ID(s), find the debuff you wouldn't like to track anymore. Simply remove the Spell ID(s) from the list or if you want to save them to be added back later, move the Spell ID(s) into the Ignored Exact Spell ID(s) trigger.
I have pulled these spell ids from over 50 logs and hundreds of dungeon runs, but there may be obscure ones that I have missed. Please let me know if you see notice any! |