BWL3号掉落开启,拿到后你会去乌瑟尔之墓,随后你会再去一次安多哈尔废墟,去乌瑟尔陨落的地方触碰一个毁坏的白银之手胸甲,开启一段小动画,回到然后去暗语峡谷杀精英恶魔保护达隆郡派发任务的NPC 格雷戈里(亡灵人形怪)来完成摧毁马诺洛克回想的宝珠的仪式 ,但事与愿违,并且会被搜寻者迪亚索鲁斯 和 阿兹加洛斯(新加入在屠魔峡谷的Boss ) 嘲讽(一个是恐惧魔王一个是恶魔)。最终你的仪式将经历失败,阿兹加洛斯变得更强了,你需要另寻办法对付恶魔,好在安多哈尔附近还有好朋友克罗米,一顿诉说之后克罗米将你穿梭时间回到当初的安多哈尔战斗,并且让你去找格雷戈里,他相信Aeonas 将会是这个任务的最好人选 任务描述简单看一眼: I said that I don't believe in fate, but I don't know if that was entirely true. My perspective has changed so much since my mortal life ended, but the longer I spend on this mission, the more I start to see patterns and connections in things. I think you know this already, but it's Aeonas that has to go with you. Believe me when I say I'd like nothing more than to leave my old friend in peace, but this is bigger than what I want. Go to Uther's Tomb and explain the situation. 简单翻译校对一下: 我曾说过我不相信命运,但现在我已经不知道那是否完全是那样了。在我作为凡人的一生结束后我的看法改变了非常多,我在这项任务的时间上的时间越多,我就越能开始明白万事万物之间的关联与脉络。相信你也已经知道,但这项任务非Aeonas不可。虽然我说我真的只想让我的老朋友长眠于此免受打扰,但是这事情确实是更加重要。 (holy_nova注:这个Aeonas在SOD之前联动血色修道院,有一条圣骑士职业任务线并最终给圣骑士圣光出鞘技能符文,而这个NPC本身的头衔是:“前任白银之手圣骑士”) 穿越时间后在这个单人场景中你会伪装成一个食尸鬼,从乌瑟尔的身上扯下需要的任务道具:褴褛碎布
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然后会触发一段对话 Aeonas: Uther...still lives. We weren't supposed to be here for this... Aeonas: What could have gone differently had Uther lived? Had that he defeated Arthur here and now? We could step in, we could help... we... Aeonas: No. This is not why we are here. I'll honor The Lightbringer by being here for him. By bearing witness. Even if he'll never know it. Uther: I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthur. Arthur: We may never know, Uther. I intend to live forever. Aeonas: May the light guide your path... Uther the Lightbringer. Aenoas: I think our disguises are failing. Go collect the blood, but I beg you, be respectful. That man is a hero. Even in death we must take care to preserve his dignity. 简单翻译校对: Aeonas: 乌瑟尔……还活着,我们不该出现在此时此地…… Aeonas: 如果他还活着,那会发生什么?如果是他那时此时战胜了阿尔萨斯呢?我们可以介入,我们可以帮助……我们…… Aeonas: 不行,这不是我们为何而来。我要遵从光明使者的名义而为他来此,即使他对此并不知情,我也将见证这一切。 (然后这段你们都知道发生了什么) 乌瑟尔:我真希望地狱里为你特设一个席位,阿尔萨斯。 阿尔萨斯:永远都不会有那一天的,乌瑟尔。我要永远活下去。
然后玩家需要经历磨难考验逃离安多哈尔,你作为大领主转生自然是有烟无伤,但是Aeonas就没有那么幸运了,咽下最后一口气之前他将真理使者给你,让你返回你的时间流。 <Aeonas winces. He is gravely wounded> I think... this is as far as I go, <name>. It's... okay. This is... always where I belonged. I am happy to be here, with my friends... at the end. Here, take this. I forged this... to remind me. To ensure that I'd never forget the friends I lost here and that I'd always stay true to them. That's even what I called it... Truthbearer. Give it to Gregory for me. Perhaps it can help him remember more of who he is. I think you see it too... he's... changed. I.. <Aeonas 的致命伤让他因疼痛颤抖不止> 我觉得……我应该是要不行了,<你的名字>。 别难过……没事的……这里,就是我应该魂归故里的地方,我很欣慰的在这里,跟我的朋友……直到我生命的最后一刻。给,拿着这个,我锻造了它来铭记我的朋友,至死不忘我殒命在此的朋友并永远对他们怀着我的那份真。我甚至就把他那么叫了……怀真者。帮我把它交给格雷戈里,兴许它能帮他们记得他曾是谁。我想你现在也明白了……他……改变了……我…… 下一步的任务名:胜利的代价 你穿越时间后 将此剑圣化,然后踏平了屠魔峡谷 副本里的恶魔,阿兹加洛斯。 最后一步:怀真者 你回到格雷戈里处,他会发现他再次向光而行并重拾了他的人性,在临别之际他将此剑托付给你: Aeonas managed to see it far before I did. He saw how I've changed while on this mission. I actually feel... sadness, regret, love once again. Sadness for Ada, regret for my betrayal, and love for my friend. I don't know exactly what this means, but I do know that I can't go back to Northrend. Lordaeron, perhaps? Perhaps there are others like me there. Those that fell from the light... and are slowly finding their way back to it. Maybe I can help them like my friend helped me. Aeonas终究还是看的比我更远,他明白我经历这个使命的变化。我又一次开始感到……悲伤,悔恨与爱。对艾达的悲伤,对我背叛的悔恨,对我朋友的那份爱。我不知道这究竟意味着什么,但我不能回诺森德了。也许会去洛丹伦吧,也许还有更多像我一样的在那里,那些与光背道而驰,但又慢慢开始向光而行的人。也许我可以像我朋友帮助了我那样帮助他们。 (holy_nova注:这里我更倾向于怀真者(Truthbearer)这个翻译,它更加倾向于Aeonas对朋友热忱真实友爱的一面,而非听起来有点冰冷的”真理”)