Effective Health Dragonflight Season 3
Based on https://wago.io/_0abyrUW8And that was based on Zelers: https://wago.io/B1pg1fRub
If you want to help test the WA, contact Heartline-Twisting Nether (EU)
If the mitigation is wrong, a log in warcraftlogs and letting me know exactly which spellcast was wrong helps (can be done with a stream)
Updated to Season 3 Dragonflight
It shows what your health will be once an incoming spell goes through, useful to see if/what defensives you need to survive.
The following spells are tracked:
Epoch Ripper - Timerip
[Dawn of the Infinite - Galakronds Fall] Coalesced Time - Chronoburst
[Dawn of the Infinite - Gallakronds Fall] Manifested Timeways - Chronofade (untested)
[Dawn of the Infinite - Gallakronds Fall] Blight of Galakrond - Corrosion
[Dawn of the Infinite - Gallakronds Fall] Iridrikron - Extinction Blast (Doesnt work)
[Dawn of the Infinite - Murozons Rise] Tyr - Dividing Strike (Untested)
NOTE: It assumes that all living members will soak (Untested)
[Atal'Dazar] Yazma - Wracking Pain (Tested in non-Mythic+)
[Atal'Dazar] Yazma - Soulrend
[Waycrest Manor] Sister Briar - Jagged Nettles
[Waycrest Manor] Raal - Tenderize
[Waycrest Manor] Gorak Tul - Dread Essence
[Darkheart Thicket] Oakheart - Crushing Grip
[Darkheart Thicket] Oakheart - Shattered Earth
[Darkheart Thicket] Dresaron - Earthshaking Roar
[Darkheart Thicket] Shade of Xavius - Nightmare Bolt
[Darkheart Thicket] Shade of Xavius - Apocalyptic Nightmare
[Black Rook Hold] Amalgam of Souls - Soul Burst
NOTE: Every stack boss gets from soul increases damage by 30%
[Black Rook Hold] Smashspite - Hateful Charge
NOTE: Every stack increases damage by 500%
[Black Rook Hold] Smashspite - Earthshaking Stomp
[Black Rook Hold] Kur'talos Ravencrest - Shadow Bolt
[Black Rook Hold] Kur'talos Ravencrest - Shadow Bolt Volley
[Everbloom] Ancient Protectors - Water Bolt
[Everbloom] Ancient Protectors - Natures Wrath
[Everbloom] Archmage Sol - Cinderbolt Storm
[Everbloom] Yalnu - Colossal Blow
[Throne of the Tides] Lady Naz'jar - Shock Blast
[Throne of the Tides] Lady Naz'jar - Focused Tempest
[Throne of the Tides] Mindbender Ghur'sha - Flame Shock (Untested)
[Throne of the Tides] Commander Ulthok - Festering Shockwave
Default Abilities and values are from 10.0, if ive missed anything let me know
DK Icebound Fortitude only reduces DR if you have Unholy Endurance
DK Rune of Spellwarding bas DR increased to 5% from 4%
Hunter Survival of the Fittest reduces DR by 30%, 50% with Natures Endurance
DH Added Demonic Wards 10% Magic DR
Druid Brambles updated to 0.075, up from 0.06
Mage Prismatic Barrier DR increased to 15%, Improved Prismatic Barrier increased to 25%
Mage Added Ice Cold
Rogue Added Precision Shot
Rogue Added Atrophic Poison (Maybe i shouldnt, reports are that it doesnt work for all abilities)
Rogue Added Master Poison modifier to Atrophic Poison
Rogue Elusiveness decreases DR when using Evasion by 20%
Shaman Elemental Ward updated to 3% per rank
Shaman Astral Bulwark DR buffed from 15% to 20%
Shaman Added Ancestral Defense
Shaman Added Earthen Harmony
Evoker Inherent Resistance gives Devastation Evokers 4/8% DR instead of 2/4%
Paladin Added Obduracy AoE DR
Paladin Added Sanctified Plates AoE DR
Paladin Added Aegis of Protection calculation
Paladin Added Greater JudgementDISABLED
Paladin Added Blessing of Sacrifice change, 20% DR if Holy Pala, else its 30%
Paladin Added Echoing Protection 15% DR
Warlock Fel Armor and Soul Leech calculations added
Priest Updated Power Word Barrier DR is 20% and not 25%
Misc Added Icy Preservation
Removed Raging modifier
Added Bursting
Added Damage Reduction while standing in Decaying Time on Manifested Timeways
Add check for Boss or not Boss (Untested)
Add Fortified modifier
Added Always trigger so it always shows during encounter
Greater Judgement is applied so often that it might make every spell wrong, the update of the effective health is trigger based, i could make it so that it updates per X frame but that has a toll on performance, it would make it more accurate tho
Rogue feint with elusiveness is bugged and it reduces damage by 43% instead of 40%, that is not changed in my WA.
Rogue feints P/M value is the same if you have Elusiveness or not (Note to future self, there is an apparent obvious fix but fixing it that way might break Effective Health
Monk WW and MW passively predicts 2-3% too much
Thanks for the help Aegliron