WA发布 发表于 2024-1-29 16:45:00

NGAndersson - Affliction Warlock (Rotation Helper)


This is a full WA-pack for Affliction that also helps by telling you which ability to use.

Agony will be recommended in AoE until at least 5 (or all if <5) enemies have the DoT.

The Soul Drain tracker shows the current amount of Shadow Embrace stacks on the target.

There's a WA in the pack called NGAffliction_MissingAgonyOnNameplate, which puts icons on nameplates of enemies that are missing Agony. If this is unwanted you can disable it by going to its Load tab and checking Never. Or you can just delete it. There's also one for Corruption that is disabled by default.

AoE and DoT tracking does not work on most target dummies, because we only consider enemies that are in combat with us (target dummies usually don't get into combat themselves).

The Agony and Corruption trackers show the amount of mobs that are missing the DoT in the bottom left, and the amount of mobs that have it in the bottom right, to let you make your own decision if you need to apply it to something other than your current target.

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I make weakauras that help you follow a rotation/priority-list. I do this by having ability icons glow when they should be pressed. You still need to know how your class works! Don't rely entirely on the WA!

By default my WAs only show in combat, to reduce clutter.

These weakauras usually come with four groups: Core, Offensives, Defensives&Utility and Resources.

The core of the WA's is the Controller. It is what controls what abilities should glow and when. There's usually just a whole bunch of lua script in a trigger that then sends events to the individual ability-auras.

Core abilities are the buttons you likely are going to be pressing the most often. I usually set these to be buttons 1-5 on my keyboard, corresponding with the order they are in the weakaura. That makes it very easy to quickly determine what button to push without remembering all your keybinds. When these buttons glow, the ones to the right usually have a higher priority than the ones on the left.

Offensives usually have the highest priority and should be clicked first, above and Core abilities that happen to be glowing.

In the Defensives & Utility group there usually are abilities that heal, mitigate damage, or provide some other kind of utility. Aside from heals, these usually don't glow because they're heavily dependent on the encounter. But it's nice to have them in the weakaura just to see their cooldowns. To not overwhelm players, I try not to include a lot of abilities here.

The Resources group should have everything you need in regards to health and player power (energy, combo points, etc).
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