WA发布 发表于 2023-12-25 11:19:23

LeoZan - 10.2 (Emerald Dream) Small,Plump,Gigantic,Dewdrop (Dreamseeds

Displays Gigantic, Plump, Small Dreamseeds and Emerald Dewdrop!, All shown when your in any of the Dragonflight zones and some ONLY become visual if your inside Emerald Dream.

Reworked the UI to a better visual and not having to use commands to (see it).
This is better and smoother.

ENJOY! ----> P.S If you like it, give me a comment!
Also if your missing something i could add it if requested!

If you see icons constantly Just do /WA once!

Best Regards WIXO-TwistingNether, DRUID

Allows you to use Mouseover for Tooltip about the Item.

Tracks the following:

[*]Gigantic Dreamseed
[*]Plump Dreamseed
[*]Small Dreamseed
[*]Emerald Dewdrop
[*]Energy Bar (for Essence) - From other Author!

Disabled if your enter Pet-combat!

Implemented - Dream Energy Bar
Author: patf0rd :: https://wago.io/p/patf0rd

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