WA发布 发表于 2023-12-18 23:20:00


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Hunter Marksmanship Timers 1.0.11 https://wago.io/agFVtyOgS

Video on Youtube https://youtu.be/ExDJRfDSLQc
Full interface D.D.U.I. on CurseForge https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ddui
WeakAura last updated on Wago.io https://wago.io/p/dead666 or https://wago.io/dKzOaz52d
Web Site https://ddsoft.altervista.org

In combat shows procs and cooldowns for Hunter Marksmanship in 2 groups of 5 columns:

+CC-Scatter Shot-Intimidation-Bursting Shot-Binding Shot
+Silence-Counter Shot-Tranquilizing Shot-Chimaeral Sting
+Long-Trueshot with sound alert and change color yellow (charge gain) / green (max charges) / red (buff expiring)-Death Chakram-Wailing Arrow-Salvo
+AOE-Rapid Fire with sound alert and green color-Explosive Shot-Volley-Trick Shots-Razor Fragments-DBDTrinket
+Proc-Kill Shot with sound alert and green color-Aimed Shot with sound alert and green color-Arcane Shot for charges and Precise Shots procs with sound alert and green color-Steady Focus-Streamline-Bulletstorm with glow effect at max charges

+Mov-Disengage-Aspect of the Cheetah-Master's Call
+Shield-Aspect of the Turtle-Survival of the Fittest-Roar of Sacrifice-Feign Death
+Def-Exhilaration-Fortitude of the Bear-Healing Potion-Healthstone-Mend Pet
+Trap-Steel Trap-Tar Trap-Freezing Trap

also shows:

-Focus Bar with auto adjust alpha (100 max - 0 min)
-Health Bar Player and Health Bar Pet (if present) with auto adjust alpha (75 min - 100 max), color change when health if too low and sound alert.

- Change color for Arcane Shot when others' rotation spells aren't ready or for dump focus
- Change color for Aimed Shot better sync with Trick Shots
- Change color and alpha for rotation spells when left 3 seconds on cooldown
- Added sound for Trueshot when left 10 seconds on cooldown
- Added Healing Potion and Healthstone into Def Column

- Added Windrunner's Guidance buff time in Trueshot with change color on last 10 seconds
- Change color for Rapid Fire on Trick Shots proc

- Added Windrunner's Guidance buff charges and change color for Trueshot's increased time

- Added Fortitude of the Bear buff and cooldown in Def group
- Fixed some glow effects

- Added Bulletstorm proc cooldown with glow effect at max charge
- Steady Shot aura renamed in Steady Focus

- Change color for Aimed Shot on Trick Shots proc (glow effect only for other procs)
- Change color for Kill Shot on Razor Fragments proc (glow effect only for other procs)

- Added glow effect for Aimed Shot on Trick Shots proc
- Added glow effect for Kill Shot on Razor Fragments proc

- Added Razor Fragments buff on AOE group
- Fixed some procs

- Fixed lua warnings

- Fixed lua alerts

- Fixed lua errors

Based on:
Publik's Marksmanship Hunter https://wago.io/Hk3vXXW17/35
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