NEW Update for 10.2 - Download Now!
NEW packs for every class and spec before 10.3 releases!
This pack and all my other packs are meant to be used with my Shadowed Unit Frames (SUF) profile, download string will be below!
SUF Profile:
Summary of Class Packages:
1.) Combat Aura's will be custom spaced and include timers. To deactivate default combat aura's do the following: Esc > Options > Gameplay > Combat > Spell Alert Opacity = 0%
2.) Buffs & Debuffs will work as follows: Any special use spell or tier bonus will be first in line and utilize a proc glow. Special timers such as lust, pots, PI, trinket timers, etc. will utilize a gold pixel glow. Any regular buff that's good to track such as damage buff procs will be in a white pixel glow. Finally, any debuffs will be in a red pixel glow.
3.) Each class will have a main spell or ability that it tracks under the buffs & debuffs and cast bar. If it is a spell, it will also be tracked in your main spell rotation bar. If it's an ability / tracker aura such as frost mage icicles, then it'll just be that tracker.
4.) Under the tracker bars will be the mana/energy type bar for your respective class. Below that will be your main rotational spells, the limit is 10 spells based on width of the WA pack. If there's more than 10, the pack will not expand and push the SUF health bars out, I have no idea how to do that other than ElvUI.
5.) Under your main spells will be your utility section. The first row will be your defensive utility, and the second row will be your general utility.
6.) Some classes will have large flashing trackers under the utility section. These trackers include raid buffs, rogue poisons, etc.
7.) There are some trackers above the SUF player health bar, this will vary based on class/spec. For example, Discipline Priest atonement trackers, or Frost Mage winter's chill tracker.
8.) Don't forget to download the 'Shared Aura's' pack, it has abilities like Lust, PI, Battle Resurrection, Racials, Trinkets, Pots, and Healthstones. Shared Aura's -
- If you need a "Use" trinket added to the buffs/debuffs section located under "(Class) shared aura's" just duplicate an existing trinket in that section, rename it, go to 'Trigger' and remove the current item's name, then type the trinket name you want, and then press 'okay'. This may not apply to some trinkets that have a debuff after the buff.
- The same applies to on use weapons in the spell grouping under the spec spell section.
This is a WeakAura pack I made using my own and other's custom weak auras. I tried to implement everything that provides useful information while in combat and left out things that aren't necessarily useful. If there's any questions, feel free to join my discord server below. Updates will come whenever I add, modify, or remove something.
Mage -
RoninXCVII |